Chapter 3

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Today is Monday, ugh! how I hate Mondays, who ever created it sure needed to be laid I mean just cause he was miserable doesn't mean he can make others feel it to, just saying.

Anyways I woke up early not because I had school but because pay backs a bitch and I believe that saying since I am going to pour cold water on Percy.

I creeped into his room making sure not to wake him or our little brother Alpha. I know what your thinking what kind of name is that and no our mother didn't name us it was actually are grandmother who loves the Greek culture so she named us but that's a different story that I will tell you later.

As I made it to his bed I counted to three

"1..2..3!" as I yelled three I poured the cold water on him and as he shoot up he fell of the bed

Damn! bonus

Percy looked up and man did he look pissed

"What the actual hell, Echo why the hell did you do that for?!" Percy yelled

"That was for what you did to me last Saturday" I smirked

"What happened" came a sleepy voice and turned around to see Alpha who was rubbing his eyes.

Alpha here unlike me and Percy has blonde hair but has brown eyes like me he was only six years old.

"Just something really funny, now go back to bed" I told him and it was either he didn't care or was to tired he went back to sleep. I turned around and saw Percy getting up from the ground.

"Now come on we have school today and we only have a hour to get ready so hurry up" I informed my brother and left his room.

Our school isn't that big since it isn't that rich. Which makes no sense why Hunter is studying there but I guess he chose that school instead of any snobby rich school. I was only a junior and I was 16 turning 17 in two months and my brother was a senior and already turned 18.

I wore some baggy pants, a big black t-shirt, my favorite sneakers, and my sleeping with sirens hat. After getting dressed I went to the kitchen to see none of my parents 'probably went to work early' I thought as I grabbed a bowl to pour cereal.

As I finished eating Percy finally came.

"Come on lets go" he grabbed his keys to his motorcycle and I grabbed mine as well. Since our dad works at Harley Davidsons we get a discount on motorcycles which is really cool.

We both went outside of our trailer house and headed to our motorcycles.


We finally arrived at school and me and Percy got out of our motorcycles and we headed inside the building.

As we got in we went our separate ways to our lockers and I headed out to my first class which was science.

Once I got in the classroom the bell rang and I quickly went to my seat which was next to Hunter and saw that slutface * cough* I mean Jessica was trying to talk to him which she gave up not getting a response from him.

Desperate bitch probably only wants to talk to him cause he was rich and if he dated her she'll use him for his money only. Let me tell you a little about Jessica, first of all we hated each other since day one, and she was the biggest slut and probably done the deed to almost all the boy in the school key word: almost

Since I know she doesn't go for the nerds and I make sure she doesn't lay a hand on my brother because I don't want my brother dating that kind of girl.

Anyways back to what I was doing which was taking notes since I was a straight A student I mean not to brag or anything but I'm the smartest person in this school even the principle said so.

"Alright class before class ends I have assigned a group project," Mr. Russ announced and everybody started staring at the person they wanted to work with "and I also assigned the person you are working with"

Some students groaned but I didn't since I didn't really care who I work with as long as we finish it and get a good grade. I wasn't listening to the people being called until I heard my name

"Echo Shultz and-"

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