Chapter 4

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"Echo Shultz and Hunter Valentine" Mr. Russ announced and continued announcing the others that weren't named yet while I just stared at him in shock.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate him or anything, heck he seems pretty cool but it's just I'm poor and he's loaded. Coming out of my shock state I went to look at him and gave him a smile.

"I guess we are partners now,huh" I smiled. He just nodded and looked away. huh, I guess he's not talking today.

"Ok, those are your partners and tomorrow I will give you more information about the project" Mr. Russ informed us and the bell rang

I got up and headed to my other class history which I have with my brother since he failed this class last year.

I entered the room and there I saw Percy and do you know who else?... that's right it was none other than her majesty Jessica.

"Hey slut,ahem I mean Jessica," I smirked hearing other people laughing at what I said. She gave me a death glare."woah, do you know that if you keep doing that it will stay like that forever making you even uglier, not that you are right now" and with that everybody were laughing louder.

"You bitch, how dare you say that" she yelled and stomped all the way out the door. everybody were cheering and giving me high-fives.

"Nice going sis" Percy praised patting me on the back.

"Was she flirting at you?" I asked

"Yep, it was really disgusting but I didn't tell her anything" he replied just as the teacher came in and started class.


Just five more minutes, five more until lunch and I can go outside I thought as I stared at the clock. I was currently in math not listening to the teacher at all keeping my gaze at the clock.

"Two more minutes, come one you stupid clock go faster" I whispered to myself

"You know just because you are practically glaring at the clock doesn't mean it will go faster," said a voice besides me and saw this guy I never spoke to and neither has he to me and he dresses the same way as Hunter with a band shirt of mice and men some shinny jeans and some red converse plus his hair was spikey and covering his right eye "I'm Ace by the way, what's yours?"

Then the bell rang, yes finally! I got up looking at Ace

"The names Echo" I replied and left the room as quick as I can and headed to my locker.

I got to my locker and stuffed all my stuff in then headed outside taking my soccer ball with me not bothering to get lunch since my family is poor and I forgot my lunch bag at home.

I went outside and headed to the field and as I got closer I saw that people were there but ignored them and started practicing with my soccer ball.

"Ahem" someone behind me cleared there throat and I turned around to see who it was and it was Hunter

"Hey what's up dude?" I asked with curiosity

"Sorry" he whispered softly but I still heard him

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" I asked very confused of what he was talking about

"For bumping you at Spencer's last Saturday " his voice coming a little stronger

"Oh that, don't worry it was just an accident don't worry about it" I reassured him and we just were just standing there staring at each other. he then opened his lips to say something but was interrupted by someone.

"Hey Hunter hurry up will ya!" I heard someone shout and I faced the whole group trying to see who was the one shouting but failed miserably.

Your friends are calling you, you better go" I looked at his friends then at him

"Ok, see you later Echo" he smiled but it went away quickly wait a minuted did he just smiled that is surprising

"Yeah see you later, Hunter" I waved at his retreating figure and froze when I said his name but continued walking after a few seconds

As I went to go continue practicing the bell rang signaling that lunch was over so I picked up my ball and went running, passing Hunter and his group which I just noticed that Ace was a part of

"Bye Echo" waved Ace as he saw me running

"See ya Ace" I waved and continued running until I reached the building and went inside.


After what felt like forever school ended and I went to my motorcycle and saw Percy there and once he saw me he started walking towards me.

"Hey Percy" I greeted

"Hey Echo, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?" I asked

"Can you pick up Alpha today I have to go to work super early today because one of the employees got sick so I have to fill in" he explained

"Ok I will go don't worry" I told him

"Really oh thank you, thank you very much" he hugged me then let go and went to his motorcycle

"But you owe me" I smirked and he nodded putting his helmet on, passing me a small one which was probably for Alpha and left the parking lot

So I got on mine and left to go get Alpha from his school

Arriving at his school I entered the building and headed towards Alpha's classroom and once I got there I saw my brother drawing with this girl that I have seen with whenever I come pick him up

"Hello" said a sweet voice and looked up to see Mrs. Cunningham my brother's teacher

"Hello" I smiled at her

"Can you do me a favor dear and take care of Rose her brother is probably on his way but I have to get something from the office" she looked at me pleading in her eyes

"Sure I will take care of her" and sat down near Alpha and Rose

"Thank you so much dear her brother will come in a few minutes" she smiled and left the room

"So you must be Rose" I started conversation with her

"Yep that's me" she beamed at me and continued drawing with my brother

"What are you guys drawing?" I asked them

"We are drawing a- brother your here" she stood up and ran to the door while I turned around and saw Hunter. I swear where ever I go he's also there. So I stood up and looked at Alpha who was looking at Hunter.

"Come on Alpha let's go" I told him and he got up grabbing his backpack and hold my hand.

"It was nice meeting you Rose" I smiled at her

"It was nice meeting you too miss" she smiled at me.

"Bye Hunter" I bid goodbye and left with Alpha by my side

And headed to my motorcycle and headed home.

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