Ciao a tutti e benvenuti in questo nuovo capitolo ♡♡♡Erano talmente tante le frasi/I dialoghi che avrei voluto mettere di questo capitolo e ne ho scelte 10... però potrei fare una seconda parte per non rendere il capitolo troppo lungo
1)《 No one's go to dead》❤
2)《Every kiss before the right one does not count anyway.
I kissed many women.
But the first time that I kissed my wife ...
Well, then it was not even my wife ... It was just ... A girl in a bar.
And when we kissed and 'state ... I gotta tell you ...
As if I had never He kissed another woman before. k
Like the first kiss.
The kiss right ❤❤❤》3) 《I don't let people die》❤
4) 《Derek.
It's ok. You'll go 》 ❤❤❤5) 《 Derek: I am very good at my job
Winnie: also on the side of a road?
Derek: also on the side of a road》❤❤❤6)《 Derek: It's a beautiful day to save lives!
Winne: How? What does it mean?
Derek: No, it's just something that I say》❤❤❤7) 《 You aren't dead.
I know you're not dead.
And you know 'cause I know? 'Cause I can feel your pulse.
It means that your heart is beating, your heart is beating!
It means that you're not dead, you know?
Hey ... Look at me.
Remains alive, you know?
It 'a beautiful day to save lives, right? So you have to stay ... alive》❤❤❤8) 《 Amelia: you'll never have time to catch the plane Derek: you instead! Bailey: there is the will.
You miss your plane.
Derek: Who was the Bailey?
No I will not lose my plane.
I know a shortcut.
Amelia: There are no shortcuts to the airport》❤❤❤9) 《He saved all.
It was our job to save him》❤❤❤10) 《He's your case ... you will think of every day and will be the one that will make you improve or give up.
It makes sure that my husband did not die in vain ...
And now comes in because you don't save anyone's life by staying here》❤❤❤Il video nei media è preso dal mio canale YouTube ♡
Il canale si chiama "Sarah Chambers"
Se vi va andate a sostenermi con un like o un'iscrizione anche lì ♡♡♡
Ecco il mio video:
A lunedì ❤❤❤

Frasi di Grey's anatomy
Hayran KurguCiao a tutti :) sono una ragazza e amo alla follia Grey's anatomy ❤ Ecco le frasi più belle ❤❤❤