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Royce locks his front door, then we continue down the walkway. He probably has a nice car, like a Ferrari or something else flashy. He seems like the show off type. He guides me to the left, his hand resting on my lower back. I have a role to play so I won't say anything, I guess. Though you can't really object to something you like, right?

"You like it?" Royce whispers in my ear. I look up from the ground and look in his garage to see what he has parked in it.

Damn! Smokey's voice from Friday echoes in my head. Now I'm actually curious. Does he just spend his wealth or does he have a job keeping up the funds? Either way, it's enough money to make the hoes in the hood drop to their knees for this dude. They gone be wanting to go half on a baby for real.

"I've seen better in my line of work." I lie. What? I gave him two compliments already, he's not getting three. I don't care how impressed I am. Believe me, I am amazed right now, but that's not something he has to know.

Royce looks me in the eyes, as if searching for something. I frown in annoyance.

"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you?!" I sarcastically remark. I can't stand when someone just stares in my face and not say anything.

Royce has the nerve to laugh at me, ain't shit funny.

"A bit feisty aren't we? I like it." he smiles. This fool stays smiling about something. I know his mouth has to be hurting by now.

"Why are you always smiling?" I ask.

"You don't smile?" he counters.

"No, what for?"

"That's a shame, a pretty lady like you should always have a smile on her face." He says.

"I make a living by escorting either old or lonely ass men. We go places where I don't know anybody, unless another escort is there. My other job consists of me taking off my clothes for money. So what is there to smile about exactly?" I really want to know. I didn't mean to put my business out there but if he has an answer I'm willing to listen.

He opens the door for me. I quickly slide in. He walks around the other side and gets in.

"Well at least it's an honest with living. You have a roof over your head. You able to do stuff for yourself. From your looks alone I can tell that you're independent, which is hard to find these days in a woman. Anybody for that matter. From your walk I know that you demand respect wherever you go." his points impress me even more.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did" he chimes.

"What made you hire an escort?" I ask, fully ignoring his sarcasm.

"I didn't hire an escort, I hired you." he replies.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't want to think if you as an escort, I'd like to treat you as a person. No need to use titles." he answers. Aww, he has a heart.

"So who am I posing as tonight?" cause there is always an angle to work.

"My girlfriend actually. Then tomorrow we will meet my family. My brother is getting married and I want to be able to have a date." he explains. The fake girlfriend angle, classic.

"That's gonna cost you extra buddy, and from the details I'm not sure that my madame knows about all of this." that family shit is for the birds, I need my damn money.

"Does $850,000 sound like enough." he says. "Here, put this on." he hands me a black mask. I take it from his hand and quickly slip it on.

"If you do a good job in acting as my girlfriend, I'll make it $1,050,00." I look at him, he doesn't crack a smile. He's serious. Shit, call me Ms. Royce, because I'm about to get this money.

"One condition though." he says. I knew there was a catch.

"You have to stay with me." he says.




"Why I don't bite. Unless you want me to." he laughs.

"I saw Fifty Shades of Grey, and I read all of the books. No. I'm comfortable in my own house. Where I don't have to worry about nobody trying to control me, you can stay at your house and I'll in mine." I had to get him up to speed on me. I don't depend on anybody but myself. Cause once you give someone your self control, niggas got cocky.

The ball is exactly what I expected it to be. Stuck up rich folks, with corny ass jokes, and whack as refreshments. Talking about an appetizer, it's a fucking salad with green grapes! Is it too much to get some dressing around here? However that isn't my biggest problem, the problem is this random guys trying to feel me up. Like move your thirsty ass back hoe! I'm about two seconds from slapping the fuck out of this fool.

"Can you excuse your hand from my thigh." I say through gritted teeth. I'm trying not to sound off, cause I been saw his wife from across the room. I would hate to have to put her man on blast.

"I was wondering when you would notice. I don't think we met before, but your body feels familiar to me." he says in my ear.


I go back to my meal as if nothing happened. Even though all eyes seem to be on me, I could care less. I came here to do a job, not to make friends.

2 hours later

Royce followed me home to make sure I got in safety. Its a nice gesture, but I would rather he not know where I live. After parking my car, I get out and start towards the outside elevator.

"Wait up, Ariane." I turn and see Royce jogging towards me. He hands me a piece of paper. My check for tonight.

"You can keep the dress." he says.

"Why would I keep it?" I ask, wanting to know his answer.

"To have something to remember me by.", he grins. I roll my eyes.

"You're not much to remember. But, I won't say no to such a beautiful dress." I say. I continue my walk to the elevator and press up.

"Meet me back here at eight tomorrow." Royce calls after me. I just stick my middle finger up and step on the elevator. I'm ready to go to sleep and wake up refreshed.

I get to my door. It seems that I have company.

"Hey Mel, what's up?" I hug her.

"I was over this way, didn't feel like driving all the way home." she answers.

"Girl you know it's never a problem. Come on in." I unlock my door and let her go in before me.

"If you're hungry there is probably something in the refrigerator. Help yourself. The couch is all yours, covers are in the closet." I say while going to my bedroom.

I change into a night shirt, I undo my hairstyle and put it up in a top knot. This night was a little uneventful but maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope his family isn't cocky like he is. I'm gonna be cursing out people all day.

*Excuse the short chapter*

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