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Such a small sentence can devastate more people than intended to. I'm not talking about what I just said either. I'm talking about when Brett took me to a private medical facility and the doctor said those two life changing words to a twelve year old me.

You're pregnant

I was so ashamed, and at that moment I wanted to tell her everything that had happened to me. She probably thought I was just some fast ass little girl that got caught up. That wasn't the case at all, far from it. I was the victim of a sex crazed man, and a naïve boy.

"What?" Brett says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Where. The fuck. Is. My. Child?" I break it down so he can't say that he can't understand the words coming from my mouth.

"I don't know what you're talking about." oh, so he wants to play that game.

"Bitch, it was you who sent your son to my room every time you thought about it. Your son impregnated me and you sold my baby on the black market before I even had a chance to know what is was. My child should be thirteen going on fourteen. I don't want a damn thing from you, I just want to know where my baby is." Tears are running down my eyes like a waterfall.

"You weren't fit to be a mother then, just like you're not fit to be one now. You're too fucked up." he said getting out of his bed, and quickly brushing past me. I hear him go for the stairs.

"Brett! Brett Please! Just tell me where my baby is!" I chase after him downstairs, now I'm desperate. Out of all the shit I have endured in my life, this is the one thing that I can't seal away for long.

I follow him into the kitchen, once I reach him I slap his face.

"Tell me! You owe me that damn much you sick motherfucking bastard!" I punch on him some more. Not the punches of the Street Soldier that I have learned to be, but the punches of the hurt little girl from within me. The little girl that has carried so much pain and suffering, and has lived to tell the tale.

I'm cursing and yelling, beating the hell of him. I'm so caught up in taking out my aggression that I don't even feel the arms wrap around me and hold me. They pull me away from a bloody Brett and we sank to the floor. I start to panic and start thrashing around in their arms.

"Sh sh sh, it's me Persia." Mason tells me.

We lean against the counter on the floor. I let him comfort me as I ball my eyes out, getting all of my resentment out. All the hurt from my mom's death, my stepdad, Brett, the betrayal of Becca and my family. I let it all out. I have officially cracked, and it couldn't have been at a worse time. Around those that I don't care anything about, well except for Mason.

I wipe my nose on a piece of paper towel that Mason handed me. In the corner of my eye I see him scribble something on a piece of paper. He slides it over to me. I look down at it.

1216 Hazelwood Avenue.

"What is this?" I ask, my heart giving in to hope.

"Your answers." he tells me.

"Mason, did we have a boy or a girl?"

"I'll let you find that out Persia. This is something you have to do alone. I knew that this day would one day come, so I've kept in contact with the orphanage."

He didn't need to say anything else to me, I run out of the house of horrors like a track star  in the Olympics. My heart is leaping with joy, the feeling of hope refills my lungs as I inhale to air of freedom. The imaginary chains on my ankles and wrists seem to finally disappear and my spirit returns to me.

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