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We are all here now in Jungkook's house and they are introducing theirselves.
S: Annyeong! Seulgi imnida!^^
W: Annyeong Haseyo! Wendy imnida!^^
I: Annyeong! Irene imnida!^^
J: Annyeong! Joy imnida!^^

Jimin: Ne.Annyeong! Jimin imnida!^^
Tae: Annyeong! Taehyung imnida!^^
Yoongi: Annyeong Haseyo! Yoongi imnida!^^
Jin: Annyeong! Jin imnida!^^

When they finished introducing, Me and the girls started to cook dinner.
While cooking,
S: Yeri-ah! I'm gonna ask you something..
Y: What is it Seulgi?
S: Do you like Jungkook? It looks like you like him.. Ayiee!!^^
Y: Uhmm. Seul please don't tell anyone.. Pleasee..
S: Of course I won't tell anyone. But can I tell to the red velvet members?
Y: Sure seul. I trust you all^^

When we finished cooking, Wendy and Joy arranged the table.

Dinner's ready!! Irene called out.
The table position is:
Me▶ Seulgi▶ Wendy▶ Irene▶ Joy↘
⬇ Jin

While we are eating we are talking about random stuff.
JK: What are we gonna do next? Yerim, how about we play PS4.^^
Yerim: Yeah, Sure. Girls? Do you want to play?
RV: Sure.
JK: So 1 vs 1. Me vs Yerim, Jimin vs Seulgi, Wendy vs Yoongi, Joy vs Jin.

We finished eating and the girls and boys stayed downstairs ang wait for me and kookie.

We finished eating. Yerim-ah! Can you come with me upstairs to get the controler and PS4? I asked her. Sure! She said.
Y: were is your controler?
JK: in my room.^^
Y: Okie.

As we get downstairs we saw are friends chit chatin. And why are they smiling at us? Omo! I think we missed something. Did me miss anything? Yeri asked. Uhmm. Ani. They said while chuckling. By the way, let's play now. I said. So what are we gonna play Kookie-ah? She asked. Uhm Mortal Kombat or Tekken?(imagine there's tekken in PS4). I asked her. Tekken! She said. Then we play Tekken.
Y: Ugh. I lost again.
Me: Hahhaha try again next time.. ^^
Y: I'm gonna win over you later. Hahah..

Omo! This is my first POV.hehehe Jimin is so cute.. I think I like him.. Kekeke.

Me: Jimin-ah! Why are you so good in playing? Teach me.... Hahahha
JM: You are also good. When you practice you will get even more good at this.^^
Me: hahahah. ^^

Annyeong! Jimin here. Why is Seulgi so cute? Ugh. I think I like her..

S: Jimin-ah! Why are you so good in playing? Teach me.... Hahahaha
Me: You are also good. When you practice you will get even more good at this.^^
S: hahahah.^^

Omo! She blushed. What is the meaning of that? I'll confess to her later.

Aishh. Wendy is so pretty.. I think I like her.

W: Your good at this. ^^
Me: haha.^^ thanks! Your good too.^^

Me: your good at this.^^
YG: haha.^^ thanks! your good too.^^

Aishh. I think I blushed because I can feel mg cheeks heating up. I think I like him..

Author note AGAIN.. Hehehe sorry for so many Author notes..
That's my update today because I gotta go to school. But later I'll update later. I Promise. Don't forget to vote. Thankiee for reading.. Saranghae!Ü Kamsa.

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