//Katniss POV//
We finally arrive to England. Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh Ann and the guys, they all left to Oxford already because tomorrow is Monday and they need to take their finance course or something. I already took it so yeah I get Monday's free. And Wednesday's because they all take an Economics course which I already took. So I only go to classes on Tuesday, Thursday's and Friday's
"Peeta I'm here" I say as I enter our hotel room. I just came from dying my hair blonde and cutting it now it ends right below my breasts and it's a platinum blonde. Peeta comes out of ther restroom.
"Hey Kat" he comes over an kisses me. He takes my waist and we sit down on the couch. My hands are playing with his hair. Peeta is slowly taking off my shirt. I leave his lips and bring mine to his neck.
Then my phone starts ringing.
"Ignore it" he moans and I do I ignore it but it keeps on ringing. I finally get pissed of and pull away from Peeta and reach for my phone.
"WHAT?!" I scream as I answer
"Hello to you to Katniss" Kendall says through the phone.
"Hello. How was your day? Now what the fuck do you need?" I roll my eyes.
"We are presenting tomorrow remember we need to rehearse" he says
"No we don't, we never rehearse when we have to sing together" I say.
"I feel like we should do it today though" he tells me
"Kendall, I am not willing to take a 2 hour drive to Oxford just cause you want to rehearse" I make my point clear.
"Your gonna take it anyway now your just taking it sooner" he say and it's starting to piss me off.
"Kendall, I said no. I left you a recording of my voice of you want to practice, practice with that. I'm spending time with Peeta right now." I say and hang up before I do something stupid and he is gonna get mad and I have to apologize.
"Everything okay?" Peeta asks as he kisses my cheeks
"Yeah" I say and hug him.
"You should take a look at the houses for our future house" he whispers in my ear.
"Me? We are gonna do it together" I take his hand and he smiles and grabs his laptop we spend a couple of hours looking at houses that Peeta already picked out. Somewhere to big, or to expensive. Peeta talks normally about all the houses except for one and something tells me that he likes that house.
"You like that one don't you?" I point to the screen
"Why?" He asks
"I can see it" I say
"Okay I do I like it a lot, I think it's the best one but if you don't like it we can look for another all that mat--" I cut him off with a kiss
"I love it, lets buy it" I whisper with my forehead on his, he hugs me
"I love you" he says
"I love you too" I say and we keep on looking for furniture for the house.
I couldn't be happier, and I hope that lasts for ever. And I know it will as long as I'm with Peeta.
Yaaaaas! Happy everlark is my favorite everlark!
Tried to make it a happy and cute chapter!
Picture of the house up there☝🏻️☝🏻
Guys I'm still in school 🏢, I want to go home so bad. I'm taking my Biology test tomorrow so I'm trying to update as much as I can before I have to study but good news, I don't have school on Monday so ill probably update some more. I have free time right now is there a specific book you want me to update leave in the comments!
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Babe without your kisses

FanfictionYou said Always Did you really mean it? Next time don't make promises you can't keep. //finished//