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A/N this is not a chapter but because im on this account ill try to post a couple of chapters later, sorry im the worst

i got tagged by oddgirl97 so yeah im gonna try to answer her questions, also if you havent read her books they are so good, my favorite is jezebels story

1. Favorite anime; Probably Hunter x Hunter, but KnB is my favorite sports anime

2. if you could be reincarnated as a animal what would it be; idk maybe a type of bird of prey? maybe a superb because i see a funny video with one in it and i died

3.if you could go to any fantasy world what would it be; a world where i can go through any door to appear in my favorite animes

4. cats? dogs? or hamsters?; probs dog idk

5.if you could alcamize these two things what would they be; idk what that means so idk

6. Marvel or DC; What? Kidding DC all the way

7. do you prefer skirt or pants; im a guy so... pants

8. SAO or FT?; BOTH

9. if you could have one wish what would it be; to gain super powers (i want to be nigh omni potent)

10. if you and one direction had a baby what would you name it; first i wouldnt have a baby with the whole band cause im not a hoe (if you a hoe go you, do yo thing have fun while you young i anit slut shaming) second again i am a guy, third i would probably have a baby with niall because when i used to like 1D he was my favorite so something irish.

11.if i gave you a fork what would you do with it?; idk probs use it to eat, stab someone i dont like or throw it away.

thats all, lol so idk im too lazy to make questions and tag people so if you want to do it just use these questions or something its youre choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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