Chapter 6

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Tamaki's POV

the two ran out the room and i was very confused as to why they left. Kyoya just seemed to write stuff down so i decided to close the club early. I went up to him and asked about it trying to read over his shoulder but he spotted me moving the notepad out of my sight range he explained.

"it seems mr.Yukiko has a fear of vampires" he explained and i saw the twins getting a evil glint in their eyes as i started to feel bad, I made my new sons feel bad. I decided to make a plan to make it up to them.

"Kyoya activate the tracker the twins put on them, We have to apologize!" i exclaimed leaving the room excited.

~Le time skip~

lawlet's POV

We picked up the twins and yuki went straight into training. We had to try and stop her while she snuck around the jungle, i was strong very strong but her abilities were the strongest, She was a walking power house and she even had ways of sensing us when we were invisible.

But i had abilities they didn't know about because in case we were being watched i never said anything about my abilities. But when i was not doing anything i searched up elemental abilities and i was shocked to see more than the common water fire earth and air. So i tried to use them and slowly got better, not all of them all i was only on shadow/darkness after getting good at light

sensing a strange movement in the shadows i turned myself into shadows and teleported through them where i saw a pair of huge butterfly wings on a creature made of tails and i started to fly away using my raven wings, Yuki tricked me, she used her power of body generation.

'yoriko, yokiko be careful she is using her body generation to make creatures' she was about to creature her body parts and they could exploded or release special gases but she could also make power wings and power tails.

I extended my senses into the air letting the air become my eyes and i saw a certain group ear the woods. I stopped and i connected the air to yuki "the host club put trackers on you, meet me in the center of the jungle" the wind carried my voice and i gathered the other two and yuki met us and we left the tracker in the middle.

"why are you following us?" i asked behind the group and most of them turned around scared. I felt annoyed but i couldn't just lash out on them. I had yoki on my back and yori was in my arms and they stared at the two kind of strangely.

"aww what adorable children" tamaki ran up and spun yori away and she was blushing so much i was afraid she would use her powers. 

'yoi make sure she doesn't use her abilities' i told him and he went into her head and started saying calm things so she wouldn't use her abilities.

"uhh could you put my little sister down" Yoki said and he ran and grabbed yoki instead.

"i didn't even see you" he said and i facepalmed he just said children. i gentle took an annoyed yoki and set him down.

"alright what do you all want" i asked folding my arms, i was just about to catch yuki i have never done that before. So yeah i was a bit mad.

"I wanted to come and apologize, i didnt know yuki had a fear of vampire. I should have asked before i choose the cosplay" he said and I felt bad for being mad.

she looked at me and did some hand signs and i nodded.

"she said its okay you didn't know." i told them and then the twins started to speak.

"why don't-" hikaru started.

"-you talk?" kaoru said finishing his sentence and i felt kind of sad thinking about my siblings.

"she says that's none of you're business, i forgave you now can you all leave" yori said quietly speaking for yuki after she signed.

They nodded and left and we started to head home tomorrow we were going to think of other war games.

~le time skip~

walking home we saw someone in the house and i stopped as i opened the door seeing who it was

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