Chapter 10 part 1

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A/N i dont think i did a point of view for lawlet yet so yay!

Lawlet's POV

after dropping off the quadruplets we started walking to school, suddenly i sensed 2 presences sneaking behind me and i turned around fast extending my leg nearly kicking kaoru in the face. "oh i'm sorry kaoru i dont like people sneaking up on me" i said and he nodded.

"alright but im hikaru." he said and i just felt the urge to give a sarcastic remark.

"right and im lance, yeah no you both may look alike but you are both very different and the fact that you tried to deny it and you voice changed slightly i can tell youre lying, and if you want to trick someone try lowering youre voice also." i told him and they stared at me shocked but i just shrugged and kept going.

"well boss ordered us to get you all so come on" he said linking arms with us three though hikaru was hesitant to touch ian, he really needs to lay off the homophobic attitude.

"nah we'll pass" i said and we all did i back flip landing on our feet but the 2 were forced to let go,we started walking when honey and mori were blocking our path, mori pulled out a sword and pointed it at my face.

"boss said use any measures-"

"so you should just come using youre free will" the twins said and i back flipped kicking his hand and the sword flew in the air, I ran to my brother and he positioned his hands to boost me and i was sent flying in the air, I grabbed the sword and just to be funny i used my mind to manipulate the air strong enough so they could see and hardened it to make it look like i had angel wings, I winked at then all and slowly descended.

"wow law-chan is an angel!" honey said and i made my face as serious as kyoya and takashi combined.

"No im a demon" then just to have fun i made the shadows start to expand around me then they stopped, I looked at yuki and she made flowers appear around the group and explode seing off a fragrance that put them to sleep.

I walked over to the 4 and touched a pressure point on each of their neck jolting them awake. "you guys passed out" i told them smiling and picked them up, once they were all confused we started walking when a limo pulled up to us.

"get in, we have business to discuss" kyoya said and i stared at him. it was very shady and i didnt trust any of them.

"fine but if you try anything you had better hope a hospital is near by" I told him as we hopped in, I sat across from the group when they started to speak.

"we like to give our members a chance to have fun and host in different environments so we will be going to the beach nekozawa ahs a beach house near the area and we will be staying over considering it is a friday. We have the headmasters permission so that is not to worry and we have extra change of clothing also" Kyoya sais and i stood up.

"thanks but no thanks, we have things we have to do after school" I said and suddenly another limo pulled up with girls inside, The windows rolled down and i saw 4 children in the car.

"not to worry we picked up youre little cousins and siblings also my father runs their daycare and allowed it" tamaki said in a superman position and yuki got up and punched him in the gut.

"never ever take her siblings without her permission or knowledge she will merder you" i said after reading her sign language. One reason was because the Geni could sense places we didnt cover with magic.

"come on" ian said as he opened the door allowing the four to get in, yomi and yozu sat on his lap while yoki sat on yuki's and yori sat on mine, she was so scared as i said words to calm her down.

"we arent going swimming." i said and the twins smirked as they suddenly up on gas mask and gas started to come in through the vents, We all pretended to get knocked out though full awake and we just rode.


When we came into a room because they carried us I noticed they were all fully changed. "get out! we have to gets the kids changed!" i yelled pushing the guys out. "okay what do we do?" i asked worried.

" I have a plan!" Ian said and i nodded

"Okay Yuki yo take a shirt for you and lawlet and use you're magic to make it look like you both are male!" he said and she did so as we turned around and put the shirts on, We both were exactly flat chested we just wore bandages to protect our identities.

"okay next put on some swimming trucks and ill quickly make you both female lower swim suits so you can wear trucks under.  He took a shirt and grew claws and cut them to pieces, Then he started to tie them and had some invisible string and put them together and we put them on. we took off our head bands and our ears stuck out.

"okay ill take these and cut holes in them then use my dimensional magic to put youre ears in and we have yori use her magic to make them invisible" he said and did it so we looked like makes and our headband was invisible.

he then took his back pack. "wrapping" he said and opened it so that he wrapped up his arms and legs some places also wearing a shirt. he put his bag back to normal and we changed the kids doing the same as we finished we all looked normal besides ian who likes to look odd. I felt bad because i never figured out what my magic talent was, Yuki could enchant items my brother had dimensional fields but i didnt know mine.

Then we walked out ready to hang with the others as we saw multiple eyes staring at us.

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