Chapter 4

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Yuki's POV

walking home from the cafe we picked up the twins and I sensed someone well actually 7 people but they didn't seem to be a danger. Lawlet could tell also and she went into an abandoned alley, Yori held went invisible and because we were all touching we were invisible also.

"where'd they go?" the blonde who's name was tamaki said and i mentally told lawlet to go out.

"im right here, why are you following us?" she asked leaning on a dumpster.

"daddy just wanted to make sure his new sons got home safe" he said freaking out but i could tell what kyoya was writing the instructions to our house, the way we led them.

'yoki make a link' i told him and he made a telepathic link to us four using his telepathy.

'ok kyoya was writing the directions down to our house'i mentally told her and she started speaking because i was a mute.

"then you have made a lo of mistakes. 1. if you truly wanted to take us home safely you wouldn't be stalking us from a distance, and can i say you're very bad at it. 2. when we were hiding you whispered where'd they go, instead of saying it louder that sounds very creepy. 3.kyoya was writing the directions that we took down." she explained and kyoya had a slight shocked face.

i walked out from behind the dumpster with the kids holding my hand. "now i suggest you go back to youre homes because this isnt a safe neighborhood." she told them and tamaki started speaking.

"then why are you both here, with little kids." he asked seeming to catch us off guard.

"what if we live in this neighborhood, hey what if we live behind this dumpster, and these are yuki's family members. We had self defense basic training to protect ourselves so we are fine but i know you guys are a bunch of rich weaklings who cant fight for themselves in a battle. Minus the famous mitsukuni haninozuka and takashi morinozuka." with that we walked off and went in many different directions jogging the whole may until the host club got tired and we went home.

"alright guys since we jogged 5 miles you don't have to train today." lawlet said and i started making dinner. Tomorrow wed start hosting and i was sort of worried 1.i didn't talk. 2.these were some of the richest people in the building being around them could draw even more attention to us.

But we definitely couldn't let them know our secret. Because that blonde guy tamaki couldnt keep a secret, most of these host were dangerous. tamaki was a big blabber mouth, kyoya was basically a stalker. Mitsukuni have a type of aura about himself that made a person relax and that would be dangerous. Those twins might keep playing tricks and if we do the same no promises that it will be magic free. haruhi would make us feel comfortable around her grow attached like we have another girl to talk to and that could expose us and she could become a weakness. takashi seemed the most safe one but he was to quite and i dont know why.

'foods ready' i said into yoki.s head and he teleported to the table, he then proceeded to teleporting the others. i never really fully introduce everyone

yori is 3 years old and she is very shy, maybe that's why her ability is invisibility but her ability is so strong it has branches that go with it. she can go through things like a ghost which is called phasing and it allows her to go to any location under water in a volcano anything yes we sort of tested but no by throwing her in a volcano) she may also be able to unlock more abilities. we all might be able to.

Yoki hes a energetic sneaky little 3 yr old. He is older by 3 mins and his ability was teleportation but because their twins they're abilities are tied together somehow, he can more things by using an invisible force called telekinesis find out things by invisible means using a 6th sense which is his esp (extra-sensory perception) but he hasn't mastered how to use any of those besides telepathy and we think he will gain more abilities besides the 3 tele abilities.

lawlet she is how should i put this crazy, she has multiple personalities actually. One that's a hot head, one cool go with the flow type, one calm and peaceful and nice, one sturdy one who doesn't back down and stands up for what she believes in. She can also change into 4 animals, one water type, one well we say its fire but fire type one underground type and one flying type. the flying type is a crow and with this animal she can control the air, this is the go with the flow type of personality she has. One is a star nose mole, the earth type that allows her to control the earth and slightly control plants (Though thats considered nature an ability her older sister had and she was very powerful) The fox is the fire we say and it allows her to control fire and the a penguin that allows her to control Water. Sometimes she says she feels like she has other personalities and we think it might be a sign for more abilities.

Me Yuki as i said i can change into parts of an animal but you could say I'm the most powerful and most weakest. see I'm a melee fighter they all are range (even yori she can make invisible platform things.) I can enhance things about me also i have many other abilities. see i can mix the genetics to become mythological creatures mixing my human form with a fish and such. Also i have other powers like i can make wings for certain reasons slick wings to fly fast. metal wings to go in a ball and protect me. I have all type of powers that would make the Geni want me us four we could take over the world with enough training.

"I'm done mommy" Yoki said and i picked him up and pt him on my lap, i had become their mother figure over the years and i was OK with that because a mother never let anyone hurt their children and i wouldn't let anyone hurt my kids.

"finished" yori said and i put down yoki and put their dishes in the sink and took them up stairs to get ready for bed so we could wake up and do more training.

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