Chap 9

44 3 7

Baekhyun's POV

Why does Chanyeol take care of Grace so much? The treatment is different from how he took care of her friends. I can't stop but kept thinking of the scene where Chanyeol help Grace with the foods and vice versa. Chanyeol is always very flirty to his female fans but something is different this time. Chanyeol is always looking at Grace, following behind her and help her whenever she needs it. Whatever it is, I shall just keep eating and ignore them. Food is more important!

"Sehun ah, can you get me my water over there?" He passed it without saying anything unlike to his usual act. What's wrong with everyone, jinjja!

I kept quiet and continue observe them. Sehun's face started to changed into "charcoal". He looks so mad when Grace and Chanyeol are sharing foods.

Xiumin hit my arms softly and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Ahh, nothing actually. Day dreaming." Should I share it with him? What if it's just a wrong thought from me?

Michelle suggested one place to go after we finished our lunch. "Lets go to bear museum. Can we?" She looks really excited about the teddy bear museum though.

"Ah,why of all places, you want bear museum?" Kyungsoo and Suho started saying as they like anime but not cartoons.

"Teddy bears are cute, at least it's better than Barbie!" I was shocked when Michelle said it because usually girls like Barbie.

"Are you even a girl?" I laughed at her.

"Of course I am. Why did you asked that?"

"Then why you don't like Barbie?"

"They're scary. Look at their eyes are so scary. Besides, their hair are always stuck at my hand and they're so rough. Yucks!" Daebak! This girl really hates Barbie. I wonder what she plays when she was young.

Since they're tourist, we followed their will and brought them to Bear Museum. It was already crowded because of us and the fans are all around us taking picture of us. Since Chanyeol was standing beside Grace very closely, one of the fans asked, "Is she your girlfriend?"

I thought chanyeol might said something to them but he just put his hand on Grace's shoulder then walk faster into the museum. I saw Sehun who was standing next to me being emotionless even when the fans start saying he's cute. Even though he hated it when he's being called cute, he didn't show any sign of his anger towards it. He was fully concentrated on Grace today.

Grace's POV

As we got into the museum, the crowd were way lesser than it was. Chanyeol's hand is still on my shoulder. He wasn't looking at me but I can feel that he's still trying to protect me.

"Grace, let's go." Sehun came over and just pulled me away from Chanyeol. He basically ignored Chan and kept walking forward. I felt bad for Chanyeol but only get to nod at him before I leave.

"Do you like bear too? Or is it only your sister?" He asked as he slowed down his speed without leaving his hand that was pulling me.

"I don't specifically like or dislike it. They're just fine."

"Do you hate Barbie then?" I supposed everyone is curious about the Barbie topic that Michelle started this morning. Sigh.

"I don't hate them. I liked them when I was young. I always watch Barbie show and play with them. You know, last time there's this Barbie dresses and houses for them. I'll mix all my toys, and play it together." Sehun laughed at my over excited when I talk about those toys.

"But.. Michelle and you are twins, don't you guys share toys?"

I nodded. "We do share toys but usually she'll take those soft toy and I'll take Barbie. We have this cooking toys so we'll separate it and play by ourselves."

"Woah, you two are having totally different interest." I'm not surprise when Sehun said that because almost everyone around us won't recognize us as twins because we have totally two different personality with different face.

" Dream 다신 꾸지 못하는
너무 기분 좋은 꿈..."

My phone rang, Sehun was singing along with the song as it's one of the song Baekhyun sang.

"Hello, mom."

"Darling, how you doing at Korea? Did you eat well, sleep well?"

"Yes, Mom. Everything is fine here. We just finished our lunch at Namsan and came to bear museum now."

"Ohh, I see you're pretty enjoying yourself. Keep me update bout yourself. Take care."

"I'll call you tonight. Love you, mom." I hang up the phone and Sehun was still staring at me.

"You're very close with your mom. Why didn't you let her talk to Michelle?" Sighed. I somehow wonder why does everyone ask me this whenever mom call me and Michelle is around? Let's think it other way, why didn't mom called Michelle instead of me?

"I'll call her back tonight. Then, Michelle will have the chance to talk to her." I sounded a little pissed but still hoping that Sehun doesn't realize it.

Goong. I thought, when I see the bears that were all wearing the traditional clothes sitting like the dramas always show when they're in the palace.

"It reminds me of Goong." I said when I look at the bears.

"You watched goong too? Ahh, this shows that you're old already." He laughed after saying that I'm old. Before I burst into anger, Kai and Kyungsoo came to us.

Kai warned Sehun, "Sehun ah, you shouldn't say it to her. She's still younger than you.... right?" Kai turned to me to make sure I'm really younger than Sehun. Apparently he doesn't remember my age, but it doesn't matter.

"He's always saying that to us. Y'all had watched Goong and I haven't. So y'all are old already." Kyungsoo said to me making me changed from anger to laughter.

"How is this logic working? Those who watched goong are old and those who didn't are young?" I teased Sehun for making this nonsense Hun's logic.

"Goong is an old kdrama. The teenagers now don't watch it, so this prove that you're old already." He closed his mouth with his hand like a playful kids.

"Aishh, since you knew this drama, YOU'RE OLD TOO!" I teased him back which got the support of kaisoo.

Did any of you watched Goong before? Honestly, I did watched, but I don't exactly remember the story line.. ㅋㅋㅋ

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