Chap 30

29 2 0

Grace's POV

It had been one week since I met George last week. He's still bringing me to clinic for my check up and make sure that my hand is recovering properly. We decided to go Penang Hill for our date this week. He came to my house to fetch me. After getting into his car, mom whispered something to him. When I asked him about it, he told me it's a secret between mom and him.

Since we've got to Penang Hill quite early, the railway service is not opened yet. We went to Air Itam market for breakfast.

"It's been years since I followed mom to this market. Maybe we should go around Penang each time we come out for a date." I smiled back at him without agreeing his idea for going around Penang because it's too hot to go around. I might just grow more tan each time we go for a date.

We went up to Penang Hill after taking our breakfast. George wanted to have a love lock for the both of us but I disagreed.

"I've just did one at Korea. How can I write it different name?"

He patted my head and said, "Little girl, you can lock it for our friendship. Who was it that you wrote in Korea though?"

"Big boy, I don't wanna lock it with you. I don't believe in friendship will last long just because we lock it."

"Fine. I'll lock it with my future wife." He smirked at me then walked away.

We went around Penang Hill and finished exploring in few hours time. To me, it's still as boring as it was when I first came up here during my childhood time. We went to the railway station, there's no one waiting for the train. We thought we are so lucky that we don't have to wait for the train, but we saw a notice sticking at the counter,

Train is stopped until 8pm due to system break down. We're sorry for inconvenience.

"Are you serious? Of all time, it break down now?" I started winning over it since it's getting hot up here and there's no place for us to rest.

"On the bright side, at least it's only until 8 right? We can still go back down at that time." George try his best to comfort me. We went to the only cooling restaurant and sat down for the entire afternoon. Since the phone line are not strong on top of Penang Hill, we started talking and put our phone aside.

"Tell me more about yourself. I'm sure we've both changed since we didn't meet for such a long time." He asked. Of all thing he have to ask me to tell him about myself. I hated it the most when people started asking me to introduce myself.

"I loves writing story, composing song, travelling around. You basically know most about me so I don't have much to say."

"Compose song? Write story? Why do you even take accounting? "

"How do you know I took accounting? "

"Because..... I've talked to your family members. You still haven't answered me. Why did you took accounting?"

"Mom told me to since my accounts got A in SPM, they said it'll be better for me to continue in the subject that I have confident with.

"So, you have confident with accounts?"

"No. I have confident in media studies, but parents disagreed with it. So, I'll find a stable job now and earn as much money as I can then go after my dream next time."

"What's your dream?"

"Mr Question George, are you really that curious about me?"

"Yes. Now, tell me, what's your dream?"

"I wanna be a successful composer or be a film or music director."

"Why? Why film or music director? It has nothing to do with your hobby."

"Music director, I can produce a good and nice music. Music heals people, I wanna help people through music. As for film director, It's nice when we laugh at those mistakes the artist make. Life should be happy. YOLO. And, Mr Question George, you need to stop asking me question. I'm getting dehydrated from answering your list of questions."

We went to owl museum after the "questioning session" ended. Then, he bought us a coconut water and shared it under a tree which gives us cooling air.

We walk slowly around the places that we didn't went to, took a few pictures before going back to the railway station. There's a few person queuing at the waiting area. We're not considered as the early one but definitely not the late one.

The train came sharp at eight. We went in the train, I stood at the corner part of the train, it gives me the feeling when I was standing at the corner with Chanyeol when we were going up to Namsan Tower.

"Do you wanna know what your mom told me this morning?" He volunteered to tell me about their so called secret when I'm holding tight at the handle.

"I thought you said it was a secret between you and my mom?"

"I was just joking about it. She told me it's okay to bring you home late. She wants me to spend more time with you, so I guess I've did as she told, thanks to the delayed train."

The train stopped halfway at the middle of the hill to pick up those people that came with bag pack. I held the handle tighter when the train stopped suddenly.

"Why are you squeezing the handle to tightly?" George asked when he realized I squeeze it each time the train breaks a little.

"I'm afraid of heights."

"You should've told me, then I would have bring you to somewhere else." He held my hand and put his another hand one my shoulder, squeezing me into his arms.

We stayed in this position until we reach the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked once we got out of the train. I nodded and said thanks when our hand finally breaks.

We went to get the car and started driving home. We stayed quiet until we got onto Penang Bridge.

"I think there is something you should know about it." I looked at him even though I know he didn't know what's my response when his eyes is on the road.

"I'm actually dating your sister, since the day I went to your house. I think you should know about it since we're acting to your mom." I'm still quiet when he finishes his sentence.

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