Chapter 3

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Skylar's POV

I pull into a parking spot at the college. We, get out and we grab our bags. We, wink at each other and we go in. I go to my dorm and no one is in there yet.

I put my stuff away and the door open and slams.

" Hi I'm Kylie" She says.

" I'm Skylar" I reply.

" Are you a transfer?" She asks.

" Uh yeah I am. I came from Hawaii along with my best friend Tamara" I reply lying. Of course I didn't come from Hawaii I'm actually from California.

" oh cool, I came from new York. How old are you?" She asks.

" twenty one" I reply and she nods.

Your thinking I must be scared to be Alone with her. Of course, not I'm a good fighter and plus I have a suitcase with spy stuff and weapons, handcuffs, and whatever else I need plus, I always carry a gun in my pocket and pepper spray in my bag.

" do you need help unpacking"she ask walking to my suitcase that has my work stuff.

" no I'm fine that suitcase is empty already" I reply and put my bags underneath my bed.

" oh okay cool" she replies.

" yeah, so what happened a couple days ago with that shooting?" I ask.

" oh I'm not sure. All I know was there was a shooting and the college was on lock down. But, it wasn't scary it was fun " she says and I see her smirk.

" oh okay " I reply and grab my phone.
I text Tamara, Jake, and Jesse to meet me outside in my car.

I walk out after grabbing my jacket and get in my car. Their cars are already here thanks to other agents.

" what happened?" Jesse asks.

" okay, so my roommate Kylie seems nice but, when I asked her about the shooting she acted like she didn't know but, she smirked. Plus, she said it was fun. What about yours?" I ask.

" Brooke, seems fine and so sweet. I don't think its her " Tamara says.

" guys, do you see that?" I ask.

" yeah those four kids with black mask?" Jesse ask.

" duh" I reply.

I grab my gun and they follow me.

Great we aren't the only one with guns.

" Take cover!" Jesse yells and jumps on top of me sending us behind a rock.

" stay down!" Jesse says.

" no I was going to go and be a open target" I reply.

I see them run in different ways. I take off and go after, the one that went into the school.

The, person turns around and slams me into the wall. I throw a couple punches and she does to and she knees me in the stomach. She, throws me onto the ground and takes off running.

I get up grabbing my jaw. I go outside and sit on the steps and Tamara comes back with a bruised eye and fat lip.

" what the hell happened to you?" I ask.

" probably, the same thing that happened to you. " she says.

"Where are the guys?" I ask.

" I'm not sure. " she replies and we hear gunshots.

We, get up and take off running to the football field. The guys are walking toward us.

" we heard gunshots did you get them?" I ask.

" no, but they know we are here so that means it will be easier to get them. We, don't know if anyone else is on the team so we need to lay low. Is your eyes and jaw okay?" He ask us girls.

" yeah, the bitch can hit" I reply.

" there were two girls and two boys. This should be fun and I think we can do this" Tamara replies.

We, go back to our dorms and go to bed.

Thoughts? Are the roommates the people in black mask or are they just regular students?

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