Seven minutes in heaven ( Kol one shot )

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You were at Caroline's birthday there were also your friends Stefan, Damon , Bonnie and Elena and of course the Originals, Caroline wanted to stop the fights so she invited even Kai. Everything was perfect till the moment Caroline forced everyone to play 'seven minutes in heaven' . "come on let's start , Y/N choose first" Caroline said forcing you to choose a paper , your number was 1000 , Caroline lead you in the room "try to stay alive!" she whispered before she left. When you stepped in it was completely dark and you couldn't see anything "umm...Hello?" you whispered but no one responded , you turned around to leave , you couldn't stand an other second in the dark but suddenly you came face to face with a dark silhouette "Oh my god!" you almost screamed "Relax darling , I don't usually bite but I could do an exception for you ...just ask it" he said clearly enjoying your scared expression "for fuck's sake Kol , you scared the hell out of me!" you shouted trying to calm yourself "that's exactly what I wanted love.." he said playfully " I'll get out of here" you said and tried to leave but he vamp-speeded you against the wall his lips only a few inches away from your "I didn't said you can leave darling, the fun didn't started yet!" he whispered in your ear , you could feel his hot breath on your neck and you could smell him...he always smelled so good , Kol loved always tease you and piss you off but you had feelings for him that you was afraid to show him, you was afraid the rejection , almost every night you was dreaming of him his skin against yours , his touch , his smell and he knew it , he knew it from the first moment 'cause he felt the same 'cause he wanted you so badly , now he was staring in your eyes demanding something , you felt your heart beat to accelerate and the hot on your cheeks " What do you want?" he asked you without take his eyes from yours but you couldn't speak the words couldn't come out " Say it!" he said again looking you with pleasing eyes " you.. i want you, no one else !" you whispered scared about his reaction " I want you too! more than anything, more than anyone else! " he whispered and pressed his body against yours kissing you passionately and roughly , his hands where holding yours up against the wall , he broke the kiss and started planting soft kisses all over your neck , you moaned when he hit your soft spot , he let go of your hands and you started stroking his hair "Y/N I want you so bad .. i can't control it anymore " he said " me too.." you whispered " end of time! " Caroline shouted "let's go to my place to stay alone" he asked "Ok" you managed to say and he leaded you out you didn't know if this was going to last but it surely worth it .

Hope you like it guys thank you so much for 1.700 reads..omg! if you want me to do it and with the other guys just ask! Goodnight! xoxo

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