Chapter 1: Welcome to Gravity Falls

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It was a beautiful sunny day you thought to yourself as you flipped through an old messy partially ripped up old note book that contained information and evidence of you're previous adventure before receiving a strange letter from you're Uncle Stan saying he needed you're help on a secret project he's been working on for awhile. You figured adventuring and trying to figure out the secrets the world had to offer you was getting a little too exciting so you decided to think of this as a Little Vacation and hopped on a bus and are now on you're way to gravity falls but it was Also an experience considering you never heard of the place.

You looked up as you closed your notebook only to look out the window and was greeted by a huge sign on the side of the road that read: "Welcome to Gravity Falls." You stared at the sign till it passed and began to pack up you're notebook and your other luggage as you sat up prepared to exit the bus as it came to a stop in front of a huge shack, half the roof was covered with a sign that read "The Mystery Shack." You stepped out of the bus as it immediately drove off and you pulled out you're uncle Stan's letter along with a picture of the shack, you looked at the picture then up at the shack comparing the two to confirm it was the right place.

"Looks like this is the place. Wonder how uncle stan's doing? You suddenly chuckle to yourself, "it's gonna be weird since he hasn't seen me since I was 5 and suddenly here I am 20 years old and a world traveling Archaeologist trying to solve all of the great mysteries life has to offer. Well time to say hello."

You grab you're luggage and walk up to the shack and knock on the door only to be greeted seconds later by a man opening the door, he looked old probably in his sixties or something, he had a aftershave look going on and wore a black nice suit along with a red hat that had what looked like to be a weird shaped pac man eating something, he had a read necktie on and a Cain with an 8 ball on it.

"Welcome to The Mystery Shack where your money mysteriously disappears." Stan says as he moves toward you while mocking a creepy like stance enthusiastically. Suddenly a feeling of awkward silence overcomes the atmosphere. Stan then breaks the atmosphere by laughing, "I'm just kidding, but seriously though you gotta pay if you want in." He said smiling then halfway through his own sentence he gave a series look.

You gave him a look with slight confusion with one eyebrow raised. You then begin to speak, " Uncle Stanford?" You questioned.

He becomes surprised then he repeats the words "Uncle" in a confused matter. He then has a look of realization overcome his face, "Wait is that you (Y/N)!? Whoa w-wow!" He says as he suddenly becomes over joyed. "It is you isn't it!? Wow hey kiddo it's-its great to see you. Since when did Mother Nature speed up you're growth spurt? How long has it been since you were only up to my ankles now your almost right under my nose." He laughs then hugs you as you return his hug then you both look at each other. "It's Great to see you Uncle Stan. How's life been treating you, you also seem kind of different from before I mean I know it was years ago but you seem more about money from the way this is all set up, you used to be about life's wonders did you not?"You say as you let go of him.

"Whoa. You're very observant aren't you?" He says as he laughs. "All Part of being a Archeologist Uncle Stan." You huff in confidence in a jokingly manner. "Well hey come in let me introduce you to everyone and where you'll be staying for the time being." He says as he puts his hand behind you're back and pushes you with him through the door inside the mystery shack as it shuts behind you. You're then greeted with a hallway, contained in it was a small child a little girl to be precise. She had wavy brown hair that went almost past the brightly blue colored over sized sweater that covered only half of her matching skirt and blue head band while the design was a blue heart she also was wearing regular shoes.

"Oh Hey there Mabel perfect timing, I want you to meet your cousin here, (Y/N) (M/N) Pines." He says as he greets her with a smile and taps your back. Mabel then smiled showing her nicely well cleaned braces to me and yells in joy, "I have an older cousin and she's-" Mabel then stares at you in amazement admiring you. Even though you had a nervous kind of smile showing because to you, your appearance was messy and you had been up a whole week straight without any sleep and your (H/C) hair was in a downward bun with hair shorter than the rest of you're hair musingly hanging on the sides of your face with short bangs covering you're forehead and glasses you wore that began to go crooked a little. She still admired you and spoke as she stared at you. "She's Beautiful!" She says with a huge twinkle in her eyes.

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