Chapter 22: Perfect Fantasy

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"It's been awhile I'm gonna go check on (Y/N)." Bill said as he started to walk toward the forest. "Wait we'll come with you." Dipper yelled as he gave the flag to Stan then him and Mabel raced in front of Bill as they all walked into the forest to get (Y/N). Bill stared ahead as the twins in front of him looked back at him. "Bill I'm curious to know what exactly is Midnight like?" Mabel asked as Bill had a disgusted look come across his face, "Shooting Star you picked the most undesirable subject to talk about how about we don't and say we did." Bill snarled. "Actually Bill I'd like to know as well I mean from what you say, you seem to know her well." Dipper added as Mabel had a suspicious look come across her face. "A little TOO well. Spill the beans, what do you know!" Bill chuckled at Mabel's comment then sighed in annoyance, "Fine but after this no more it's bad enough I'll have to be seeing her smug face later." Bill snarled. "Me and her didn't always hate each other." Bill said before Mabel cut him off. "*le gasp* So you two use to be an item!!??" Mabel exclaimed. "No we were just partners, she wanted it to go somewhere but it didn't happen after she showed me how psycho off the wall she really is!" Bill exclaimed as Mabel and Dipper gave him that 'really' look as they continued walking. "I was stuck in a decaying dimension for trillions of years because of her! We caused havoc, we pulled pranks, showed how great chaos was, we even ruled together until one day she tried to destroy it all and it was only because she was bored. She even killed a couple of our buddies when her demands weren't met. So one day when she tried to become intimate with me I used that as a opportunity to seal her inside that gem we found. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner when we used it to give (Y/N) back her memories." Bill said as he became annoyed. "Well look on the bright side after we find (Y/N) and take back the falls you won't have to see her ever again." Dipper said as he smiled. "Along with (Y/N)." Mabel said saddened but covered her mouth as she realized what she said. "Wait you knew?" Dipper asked. "Y-Yeah I kinda hid behind a tree and couldn't help but listen." Mabel said as she got a little saddened then looked at Dipper with a questionable look. "Wait you knew too?" Mabel asked. "Y-eah I kinda did the same thing." Dipper said as he looked down in slight shame. "Sorry Bill." Mabel said before Bill silenced them with a hand gesture. "I'm not worried about it because I know you kids are on my side, you don't want (Y/N) to leave and I don't want her to either. Soooo lets make a deal." Bill said as he smirked. Dipper rolled his eyes as Mabel looked at him questionably, "But you're human now aren't you?" Mabel asked as they all continued to walk. "Doesn't mean I can't still make a deal." Bill said as he continued smirking. "What is it Bill?" Dipper asked annoyed. "When We beat Midnight and I get my powers back I'll let Gravity Falls stay as it is but on the condition you help me convince (Y/N) to stay here and with me." Bill said as he smiled. "Well that's one deal I can get behind." Dipper said with a half smile. "You don't even have to ask and Us you forgot us, she won't stay here with just you but with all of us." Mabel shouted as she smiled. "Very well, do we have a deal?" Bill said as he chuckled. "Deal." Dipper and Mabel said as they chuckled as well.

"We've been walking for awhile are we almost to the river? Is that even where she is?" Mabel asked. "She loves being by water when she's upset it calms her down, relaxes her." Bill said as he looked at Dipper and Mabel who gave him the 'what' look. "How do you know?" Dipper asked. "Reading minds is my thing, you should know this by now." Bill said as he smirked. "Your every girls dream guy a girl definitely likes a guy who know what his girl wants." Mabel said as she smiled. "Creepy." Dipper replied. "So this means you know what she likes and dislikes." Mabel said as she walked backwards to fully look up at Bill. "Exactly." Bill said as his smile grew. "Which is why I'm the perfect guy for only her and she's the perfect girl for me." Bill added as he smiled in triumph. "Let me ask you something Bill what is it about our cousin that caught your interest huh? Was it her body, her kindness that makes it easy to take advantage of her, or was it her virginity you wanted! Tell me Bill which is it!" Dipper yelled angrily as they all stopped in their tracks as Dipper looked at Bill who's smile disappeared and he gave Dipper a deadly glare as Mabel looked at both of them with a worried look. Bills glare turned more deadly as he walked toward Dipper and stopped in front of him as he looked down at him, dipper who was slightly frightened backed away slightly but didn't let fear show in his face as he stared back at Bill. "Don't test me Pine Tree or you'll regret it later. I Love her, there I said it so what of it! I plan to make her mine because I happened to fall for her and not what you just said but her, all of her! Ever since she made that deal with me to be her partner on her time I've traveled around with her and helped her with her archeology and in that time she took something from me I'm sure I'll never get back! My heart! I'm gonna convince her to be with me because I Love her, and Not you or that little brat Midnight is gonna get in my way!" Bill said as he walked off and Dipper and Mabel looked at each other surprised before they ran to catch up with him. " didn't know she meant something to you." Dipper said as he scratched the back of his head. "She means everything to me. I could lose everything all at once and I wouldn't care because I'd have (Y/N) with me." Bill said as he avoided looking at the twins. "Bill if it makes you feel better I think (Y/N) has built layers of walls up inside her heart because of all the stuff she's gone through and I think your the one for her because your the one who's meant to destroy those walls, you were meant to meet her and I'm sure your meant to be with her as well." Mabel said as she walked next to Bill and looked up at him as he smiled back at Mabel. "Thank shooting star." Bill said as him and Mabel were both stopped by Dipper who pointed up at one of the trees in the woods and saw a black shadow bird with silver eyes resting on a branch as it looked down at them. "Is that a Raven?" Dipper asked. Mabel squinted her eyes to try to see the bird better and at that moment the bird transformed into a shadow panther with silver eyes as it jumped down in front of them and bared its teeth at them as it growled and slowly walked toward them as they slowly backed away. "Dipper that's not a bird." Mabel said as she hid behind Bills leg. "How'd it-" dipper said before he was cut off by Bill who grabbed Mabel by the back of her sweater and tackled Dipper to the ground as the panther lunged at them but missed thanks to Bills quick thinking. Dipper got up as Mabel did, "Grab my Cain." Bill yelled and without question it Dipper and Mabel did as instructed and grab Bills Cain as he lifted them up into a thick branch from one of the trees and rested them on it as he took his Cain back and looked at the Panther that looked back at him as it continued to bare its teeth. "You wanna piece of me you stupid over grown cat well come and get it!" Bill said as he got in a stance and held his Cain ready to fight. The panther lunged at Bill and he reacted by dodging and smacked it with his Cain and gave it a good punch to the face before it clawed at him and he dodged barely.

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