Chapter 12: Solution and Sacrifice

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Bill stopped in the middle of looking for the gem and looked up to the stairway out of the cave and stared at it, "why does this atmosphere feel annoying for some reason?" Bill asked as he continued looking for the gem. Dipper looked frantically for the gem like a mad man, he couldn't cope with the idea of (Y/N) having amnesia forever, "Come on Come on! It's gotta be hiding around here somewhere! Stupid gem! Come on!" Dipper yelled as he slammed his fists on the ground and suddenly a floor tile pressed down it then opened, revealing a old sliver box that had a picture of a black figure shaped what look to be like a woman, behind her was a pentagram in the center of it was a black rose, embedded in it was a raindrop and and eye that look greatly similar to Bills eye.

Dipper picked up the box and opened it, inside it laid the sapphire gem. "Aha hah hah ha YES! We-We found it! It's the gem!" Dipper said starting to go a little crazy but happily. He closed the box and took it with him as he ran out of the building he was in. "Bill! Bill! I found it!!!" Dipper exclaimed as he ran up to Bill. "Great now we just need to-" Dipper suddenly was interrupted by some kind of earthquake, the ground beneath dippers began to break apart causing Dipper to fall in the crack of the ground, Bill gripped dipper by his wrist and floated up with him. "Don't you dare drop that box Pine Tree." Bill said as the whole place began to shake and fall apart, he made his way to the exit of the cavern but was stopped by a huge rock that fell in front and blocked the exit. That pissed Bill off a little, "We've found the stupid trinket and nothing's gonna get in our way of restoring her memories!" Bill said as he snapped his fingers and him and Dipper both disappeared, Bill let go of Dippers wrist and let him land on the ground on his butt. "Ow, um thanks." Dipper said as he glared at Bill a little since he rudely dropped him. "Is the gem in there?" Bill asked. "Oh yes." Dipper said as he opened the box and grabbed the gem out of it, Bill took the gem from Dipper. "Let's go we've got no time to-" Bill was interrupted by his bow tie that started to ring like a phone. Bill and Dipper stared at each other with a 'W.T.F' kind of look before Bill touched it and it expanded into a screen that showed on his chest.

On the screen was Mabel who was crying really badly and tried to talk but her words were being mixed up with her crying. Dipper and Bill looked at each other before Dipper looked at bills chest and tried to consult Mabel. "Mabel calm down and breath, why are you crying and what's going on?" Dipper asked. Mabel rubbed her eyes but tears still ran down her cheeks as she took a deep breath but came out as multiple breaths because of how much she was crying. "I-I-It's (Y/N)! I came to show her a picture I-i-i took of h-H-Her and Bill together hoping it'd jog her memory and t-t-tell her Gruncle Stan said i-I-it was ok to stay with her but I found her unconscious on the ground and she's not waking up! Hurry Dipper please!" Mabel cried. "Pine Tree grab my coat." Bill said seriously as the screen on his chest disappeared and turned back into his normal bow tie. "What?" Dipper asked as Bill aggressively grabbed His wrist and made him drop the box, Bill snapped his fingers and they teleported into the living room of the cabin. Bill immediately turned around as did Dipper and they both saw Mabel crying and sitting down with (Y/N)'s head in her lap as she held her face close to her chest and the rest of (Y/N)'s body was laid out as she was still unconscious. "(Y/N)!" Bill yelled as he flew to (Y/N)'s side and looked at her face as it laid in Mabel's lap. Dipper hugged Mabel as she cried and looked at Bill, "Please tell me you know what's wrong with her if you know she's alright are not." Mabel said as she stared at Bill with sad eyes. "Stop crying shooting star she'll be back to normal soon." Bill said as he held up the Gem. "What's that?" Mabel asked as she wiped her eyes and looked at the gem in Bill hand. "It's what's gonna get (Y/N)'s memories back. So don't worry she'll be back to normal soon." Dipper said surely to Mabel.

At that moment the gem began to glow it's sapphire color, suddenly the whole room turned into a white void of nothingness, Bill stared at he glowing gem in his hand as he let go of it and it floated upward. Underneath Bill and (Y/N) two pentagrams appeared and dragged Bill to the center of the white void as well as (Y/N). Mabel refused to let go of (Y/N) but released when Dipper hugged Mabel. Bill stood under the crystal with the pentagram beneath his feet, (Y/N)s body stood itself up and floated before Bill with a pentagram underneath her. Bill stared at (Y/N)'s unconscious face as the gem slowly lowered itself gently between them. "Are you the one who requires my power?" Asked a female voice that came from the gem. Bill was surprised but got past it considering the task at hand. "Yes, I require (Y/N)s memories, I wish for you to rid her of her amnesia and restore her memories." Bill said with a serious look. "I shall do it but the one you wish to restore will have to sacrifice something great in order for you to obtain what you desire." The gem replied. Dipper and Mabel looked at Bill worried as he began to think. "Very well I know what she can give up in order for you to give me what I want." Bill said as he pointed at the gem. Dipper at that moment became really pissed, "You better not be tricking her Bill!!!!" Dipper yelled. "What will be sacrificed then?" Asked the gem. Bill stared at (Y/N)'s sleeping face with great worry considering he was about to make a decision that wasn't consulted by her and might ruin her life forever. "Her soul, body, and mind will belong to me for the rest of her life! She's going to sacrifice her humanity and become like me!" Bill said as he looked at the gem. "What does he mean by that Dipper?" Asked Mabel as her face turned frightened. "What are you doing to her Bill!? You better not hurt her!!" Dipper yelled. "Humanity, that'll be the sacrifice. That will suffice, now demon make you're mark on her." Replied the Gem before as it gently moved away from in between Bill and (Y/N).

Bill gently floated to (Y/N) and turned her around as he wrapped his arms around her body, he then made his lips brush against the back of her neck before he smiled and exposed his demon teeth and bit down. As she bled Bill licked up her blood seductively as his hold on her tightened. Bill dragged his tooth Around the back of (Y/N)'s neck, carving the symbol that was used to summon Bill on her, it was bloody and beyond recognition that was til it absorbed all the dripping blood back in her body and the symbol appeared clearly as it rested on the back of her neck and appeared as a tattoo. "It's done." Said the gem as it placed itself in Bills hand and he engulfed it in his blue flames. The gem then gently floated in front of (Y/N)'s forehead as a small pentagram appeared on it and it phased into (Y/N)'s head and it was gone without a trace. The room returned to normal as did everything else, suddenly (Y/N) flinched awake and punched Bill in his stomach as he still held her. (Y/N) made eye contact with Bill who smirked and cuffed her face in his hand, "You know I never told you that I find pain Hilarious and very arousing." Bill said as he leaned in to kiss (Y/N) but she blushed like crazy and jumped up freeing herself from his grip and looked around the cabin. "Did that Chimera disappear?- wait when did I- how'd-" suddenly the symbol on the back of her neck began to burn. (Y/N) put her hand over it as she fell to her knees and tried to hold in the overwhelming pain, as gold chains merged from the symbol and wrapped around her wrists and pulled her hands down to the floor as her hands became engulfed in blue flames and her left eye started to let blue flame resonate from it. The chains disappeared as well as the blue flames.

"(Y/N)!!!" Mabel yelled as she tackled (Y/N) with a hug. "Oh my, Mabel sweetie where did you come fro-" (Y/N) cut herself off as Mabel's grip got tighter and she looked up at (Y/N) with tears constantly streaming down her face. "Mabel sweetie why are you crying?" (Y/N) asked as she hugged Mabel back and rubbed her hair. "I thought you'd never remember us! I thought you'd never wake up." Mabel said as she buried her face in (Y/N)'s chest. "Sh sh shhh, it's alright Mabel I'm fine I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here." (Y/N) said as she wrapped her arms around Mabel and embraced her in a hug. "I'm pretty jealous of shooting star right now." Bill said as he stared at her and Mabel. Dipper slowly approaching (Y/N) looked at her with small tears in his eyes, "(Y/N)?" Dipper asked as (Y/N) looked up at him while Mabel still hugged her. "Dipper what's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, Dipper didn't respond with words but with a hug just like Mabel. "We thought we were gonna lose you forever." Dipper replied as he held (Y/N) tighter. "Hey guys come on don't be sad I'm here." (Y/N) replied as she hugged them back and looked up at Bill who stared back at her with that 'we need to talk' look. But as the rest of the day went on the twins never left (Y/N)'s side so Bill and her couldn't have the talk he wanted.

Later that night no one questioned anything that happened they just decided to spend time together with (Y/N) who fell asleep on the couch in the living room along with the twins sleeping with her as they occupied both her arms with their tiny bodies. Bill floated there staring at (Y/N) as he remembered about the symbol he made on her and the night they gave themselves to each other, these thoughts circled his mind because this was the first time he dealt with someone as stubborn as her. But regardless what he wanted most from her was her honest thoughts of him, and he wanted to hear it from Normal (Y/N) not Amnesia (Y/N). "I'll get my answers one way or another." Bill said as he smirked and gently rubbed sleeping (Y/N)'s lips with his finger. Bill floated on his side in a laying down position and pretended to sleep considering he's a demon and apparently demons don't sleep.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, i hope to get you excited in the next one.
I'd like to Thank all of you beautiful people for you're support and I greatly appreciate the time you take out of you're busy day to read my story thank you and Stay Awesome!!!! Remember REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM, BUY GOLD!!! Bye. 💙💙💙💙💙

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