Chapter 15: Apprenticeship

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(Y/N) began to clean the gift shop, even though the gift shop was closed due to repairs she still felt it needed to be neat and presentable so when it re-opened again. (Y/N) stopped sweeping as Ford approached her with a nervous look on his face. "Um..hey..Would you come with me on a walk in the woods?" Ford asked as he scratched the back of his head. (Y/N) put the broom away and looked at Ford before she walked up to the door and opened. "Sure..lets go for a walk." (Y/N) replied as she walked out the door and Ford followed.

After spending a couple of hours in the forest, Ford and (Y/N) started to talk somewhat normally again. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I really hope this doesn't mean you hate me." Ford said as he looked at (Y/N) who avoided eye contact. "Of course not Uncle Ford, I don't hate you or Uncle Stan, honestly I'm happy you're back and Stan isn't really dead I'm overly relieved that you both are here I just wish I would've known that's all." (Y/N) said as she looked up at Ford slightly. "I know but it happened and now I'm back so let's talk about you, how have things been at home how are you holding up?" Ford asked as (Y/N) stayed silent for awhile before she started to speak. "Well where do I start, I was bullied up to college, my parents both died when I turned eighteen, I graduated early from college and began doing archeology and now here I am in gravity falls meeting two amazing cousins I never knew I had for the first time who are adorable and great to be around. I'm honestly starting to love it here aside from all the crazy stuff that's happened here." (Y/N) said as she gently smiled. "I missed all those times we spent together when you were little, playing Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons, analyzing our thoughts on anomalies, playing spy, and doing crazy crazy things, those were the best times." Ford said as he smiled. "Ya know Uncle Ford you and Stan are the reason I became what I am and I must say that's one thing I'm definitely proud of." (Y/N) said as she smiled at Ford and He smiled back and hugged her. "Let's head back now I have somethings that must be done, I'd ask you to join me but those bags under your eyes tell me other wise." Ford said as he laughed. "Yeah staying up and not sleeping has become a bad habit of mine." (Y/N) chuckled as both of them walked back to the shack and headed their separate ways. (Y/N) shut the door to her home and leaned against it as she slid down and sat there against the door. "Ol six fingers seems to be taking it easy for the time being. Huh? What?" (Y/N) was surprised by what she just said she didn't call him Uncle Ford but six fingers and why was that. "I must be really tired hehehe yeah that's it I'm tired. I'll just go upstairs and sleep for a couple of hours." (Y/N) said as she went upstairs and got in her bed and slept.

(Y/N) slept for 6 hours before she was awoken to a whisper in her ear. "Soon my little Raindrop it'll be all mine including you." Said a familiar voice, (Y/N) then jumped up and looked around as she sat up in her bed and saw no one but her things that decorated her room. "That was weird, I could've sworn I heard someone just now." Shrugging it off (Y/N) jumped out of bed and headed downstairs and out the door. She approached the shack only to find Stan who sat on the porch saddened. "Uh hey Gruncle sorry about the way I acted before I just -I was in a weird place I hope you can forgive me. Huh- uh is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked as she sat next to Stan. "It's alright I understand and it's just..Mabel she's not having a good day...I told her she'd always have dipper with her but I don't know if that was enough to fully cheer her up." Stan said as he hung his head in shame. "I'm sure you did Gruncle Stan but if it makes you feel any better I can go talk to her." (Y/N) said as she hugged Stan and Stan hugged her back but didn't stop hugging even after she let go. "Sweetie I just want you to know I never wanted to hurt you more than you already are I just felt it was best if you didn't know til everything was resolved. But it still isn't and I'm..I'm really sorry." Stan said and he buried his face in her shoulder. "It's alright Gruncle Stan I understand but you know what, weather it's resolved or not wont change how much I love my family. I actually wanted to ask an important question." (Y/N) said as Stan let go of her and looked at her. "What's up?" Stan asked. "Um I was wondering if you wouldn't um...mind do I put I was wondering when summer ends and I go back to finishing up my work in Pennsylvania after a month or so would it be bad if I asked to stay here in gravity falls with you and uncle ford." (Y/N) asked as she played with her bun nervously. "That-that..I would love that but ford says otherwise, I'd rather have you talk to him about it instead. If it were up to me I'd say yes right off the bat! You'd live in the cabin and wouldn't have to pay a dime to keep it I'd pay for it myself, you'd work in the shack with me and go do you're archeology thing too, you'd have a nice sanctuary to call you're own and never have to be bullied or sad ever again here you could finally be happy." Stan said as he smiled at (Y/N) before she embraced him in a hug and buried her face in his shoulder trying to hold back her tears of joy. "Thank you Gruncle Stan. I'll go talk to Ford but first Mabel." (Y/N) said as she let go of Stan and raced in the shack.

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