Chapter 27: A Life

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Everything reverted back to normal, the town was back and so was everyone else living their now somewhat normal lives the twins and Stan tried to recuperate as they mourned the loss of a fellow family member, Ford was shocked and mourned the same way as everyone else did. There was even a couple of occasions Bill and Ford almost got into it but stopped due to the loss of someone they both loved. It was a nice sunny day but for only for brief moments before the sunny sky became engulfed with grey depressing clouds as the showered over Gravity Falls with Rain and on the Day of their cousins funeral no less which they held in her honor to represent the memories and love they shared with her. Stan stood before the citizens of gravity falls who were all dressed in black and listened as Stan finished the last of his heart wrenching speech as everyone continued to wipe the tears as they escaped their eyes. (Y/N)'s casket was lowered into the ground as everyone threw roses and covered every inch of the casket as the dirt was thrown over it to start the burial. Everyone circled the hole and cried until the whole was completely covered and the casket was out of sight. Mabel hugged Dipper and cried a little bit before she looked at him. "W-Where's Bill he should be here too giving his last goodbyes to her! Where is he?" Mabel asked. "I don't know Mabel-" Dipper said as he hugged Mabel in mid-sentence. "Maybe it was too much for him, maybe he's just that hurt. He's grieving just like we all are Mabel." Dipper said as everyone left the cemetery except the pines family and Dipper and Mabel were joined in their hug by Stan and Ford who gently wrapped their arms around the kids and each other and grieved next to (Y/N)'s tombstone as the rain turned heavy and fell hard.

Little did Dipper know Bill wasn't there but he was watching, a small eye floated high above the cemetery as it stared at the Pines family in their hug. The eye had seen everything as Bill sat in a nice chair surrounded by a dark empty void of grievance with his head in his hands and his body slouched as his back was turned away from the image that projected the pines family as they hugged in the rain. Bill sat there in dead silence as he did nothing. A couple days went by before Bill was able to interact with the pines family one last time before Mabel and Dipper had to say their goodbyes to gravity falls. Ford sat on the couch on the porch of the Mystery shack as Bill floated in mid air next to ford as he was laid back and stared at the beautiful day that laid before him as he stared out with a poker face. "So what do you plan to do now that everything is changing? Are you still gonna try to cause trouble here?" Ford asked before taking a huge sigh. Bill closed his eye before he sighed. "Nothing big sixer just the same old same old, I just plan to find a deserted dimension to make into a endless party for me and my crew. Cause chaos and reek havoc with no restrictions...just to have a good time." Bill chuckled. Ford wasn't convinced with Bills answer even when he smiled Ford didn't believe that's what Bill really planned to do. As Ford opened his mouth to speak he was interrupted by Bill. "But I'm afraid even the best party can't fill this emptiness that will forever reside in my little demon heart." Bill said as he touched his signature bow tie, Ford stared at it as he realized something different about it. In the center of Bills bow tie a small gorgeous midnight blue sapphire gem that was in the shape of a rain drop was clipped to it, it shined in the sun as Bill gently ran his gloved finger over it and continued to stare up at the beautiful blue sky. Ford had sorrow cover his face as he looked away before he looked back at Bill. "Y-..You loved my oldest niece...didn't you?" Ford asked. Bill gripped his bow tie as he let it go and floated firmly as he stood up and looked at Ford. "I gotta give it to you're family Sixer, you pines definitely are full of surprises." Bill said as he chuckled. "Well I've been here long enough I think I'm gonna go and start a vacation for myself and travel through all the multiverses for a while." Bill said as he floated off of the porch and Ford got up from the couch and followed him. "You're not gonna see the kids off?" Ford asked as Bill turned to look at him. "Nah, besides its best I take my leave and we just forget we ever met each other. I never was help to you're family anyway so it's not a big deal if I'm gone. Well I'll be off them Sixer. Tootles." Bill said as he tipped his hat before he turned and started to float away from Ford before he felt his tailcoat being grabbed by someone. Bill turned to look only to see Mabel with her normal sweater on and tears in her eyes. "So this that how  it is then! She meant so little to you that you just want to forget her and act like this summer never happened!! Did you lie about being in love with her Bill was it just another one of you're messed up lies!!!" Mabel yelled before she opened her eyes and caught sight of the beautiful small sapphire gem that rested in the middle of Bills bow tie. Mabel let go of Bills tail coat as he turned to her and looked down at her. "It's because I love her so much that you pines need to just be a memory to me now. Because looking at you brings back all the times I've spent with (Y/N) and how I fell for her. It destroys me inside to be reminded that I'll never get to see that beautiful smile, hear her soft voice, see her smart intellect amaze me, be engulfed in her kindness, and be able to kiss and hold and stare into those breath taking eyes of hers. Ill never get to be with her like I wanted to. I'll never get over this. I'll never forget her. But maybe I can if I forget you." Bill said as he smiled. Dipper walked out of the shack and was about to say something before Stan approached and interrupted him. "Hey look at me! Hey turn around and look at me you one eyed demon!!" Stan yelled as everyone including Bill turned to look at him. Stan approached Bill as he stared at him with anger in his face. He stood before Bill and it honestly worried everyone because the thought of a confrontation between them, that was until Stans face became calm. He pulled out a small Black notebook and handed to Bill. Bill took it out of Stans hand as he opened it and flipped through it. "From the way she kissed you, you must've been important to her so me and Mabel and everyone else decided you should keep her notebook, we modified it to where it only has entires of her time here with us and you and Mabel filled it with pictures she snuck of you and her. Ya know something you could look at in case you ever miss her." Stan said as he half smiled. Bill smiled as he stared at the pictures Mabel had took before closing the notebook and putting it away in his tail coat. "I'll be looking at that more than you all know. Thanks Pines family, well it's been fun but time for our last goodbyes." Bill said before Dipper and Mabel interrupted him. "Don't be a stranger." The twins said as they smiled at Bill. "Instead of forgetting- visit us instead whenever you're in town. Keeping (Y/N) alive in our hearts is better than leaving memories of her behind. I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't want you to be sad, so do it for her alright." Dipper said as he half smiled at Bill and Bill half smiled back at him. "Not bad Pine Tree and Shooting Star not bad at all. Alright it's a deal then. I'll crash here in gravity falls the next time you rug rats decide to visit. Well a demon like me has important matters he must attend to. Until next time Pines Family." Bill said as he patted Dipper and Mabel on their heads and snapped his fingers before disappearing. Everyone waved as Bill disappeared. Mabel looked at Dipper as he looked back at her with a sad look. "Well... Time to go say goodbye." Mabel said as her and Dipper looked at Stan and Ford with sad expressions as everyone entered inside the cabin.

Meanwhile somewhere in a dark endless abyss, voices were heard by someone who floated in the void and was sound asleep. "Will!! What is you're symbol doing on midnight! You have some explaining to do!" A familiar sounding female voice said as it sounded as she was stretching something. "OW OW OW OW!! SO! ITS NOT MINE!! OW QUIT IT!!!" Yelled a familiar voice as it pleaded in pain. "This girl isn't midnight sister, look she has a strange mark on her neck. Midnight never had this." Said a familiar male voice. "If this this isn't big cousin Midnight then who is she and why does she look like her?" Asked the familiar female voice. "Who knows but she seems to be a human. Should we deliver her back to where she came from? Maybe it'll lead us to midnight?" Said another familiar voice. "Not a bad idea Will, for once. But her light seems to have faded which means she's not part of her realm anymore but she belongs to death." Said the familiar Male voice. "Come on Bro! Since when were we the ones to ever follow these stupid restrictions known as rules! Let's just do it so we can find cousin Midnight it's so boring here without her I wanna go cause some destruction before I died from boredom!!" Said the female voice as she complained. "Very well sister but remember this was you're idea don't blame me if death himself pays you a visit later about reviving a deceased soul." The male voice said before the female voices laughed in sarcasm and began stretching something out again as the voice yelled in pain from it.

Til Next Time.....

Are you guys ready for the big announcement!!!?? Well here it is!! You guys will decide the fate of this fan fic by you're comments!!! Comment Cipher if you want this to keep going if you want it to stop comment Hirsch! You're votes will determine what happens next!!!! See you guys real soon!!!! And thank you for all the love and support it really means a lot to me you guys are wonderful!!!! Stay awesome!!!!! 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

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