Squirrelflight's Bridal Wedding

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Squirrelflight- Yes Bramblestar! I pledge to be officially married!

Bramblestra- Me too!

Jayfeather- BOOOO! *throws cookies at them*

Squirrelflgiht- Uh, thanks?

Bramblestar- This is really good!

Squirrelflight- Yeah, what flavor?


Leafpool- WORST WEDDING AVAH! Wait... they died!

Bramblestar- Hah, good one, Jayfeather!

Squirrelflight- Yeah! h, death, StarClan, blah.

Bramblestar- My, nine, lives, blah.

Lionblaze- I think they died for real...

*The wedding holder* Longtail- And they're both dead! Good job, Jay. Anyway, click the follow and vote and add button if you hadn't, Or I'LL SEND YTOU DYING TO DARK FOREST, MOOSE!

Dovewing- Did you just call them a moose?

Rosepetal- Sms stealer! *throws chainsaws*

Longtail- AAAAAAHHHHH! Wait, I'm dead, so how does it matter> WHOOHOO!

Toadstep- I blame Rosepetal for being an idiot!

Rosepetal- WHY YOU LITTLE-

Sandstorm- Uhh! Uhh! Bye! The party's ballistic! Run, and enjoy the next spoof...

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