This is Why You Don't Text and Drive...

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Bold is Leafpool.

Italics is Squirrelflight.

Squirrelflight: Bramblestar, do you need anything else from Meow Bell?

Bramblestar: No, honey. Here are the keys to the Cat-Mobile!

Squirrelflight: Okay...

*On the Road*

Hey, Leafpool!

*A few minutes later* Hi, Squirrel-sis!

Have any plans this fine, fine evening?

Wait...aren't you driving to Meow Bell for Bramblestar?


Which means you're texting and driving...

Yeah, so?

So, that's unsafe! TOTALLY unsafe!

I am the deputy, Leafpool. I have the sharpest sense in the Clan, besides Bramblestar.

Hey!!! Medicine cats have a lot of sense, too!!

But you're not a medicine cat anymore! Oh, rabbit droppings! Gotta go!

Squirrelflight: HEY! GET OUTTA MY WAY! *beeps*

Blackstar: Honey, I ain't going nowhere till I get my pizza!

Lionheart: ShadowClan cat, I told you millions of light years that MEOW BELL DOESN'T SERVE PIZZA!

Squirrelflight: Gosh, T.T.Y.L! I NEEEEEEED to get something for B. Star!

Lionheart and Blackstar: T.T.Y.L? B. Star?

Squirrelflight: Ugh, do you know zero? I.D.K., just get out of my way!

Blackstar: What are you speaking?

Squirrelflight: Y.K!

Blackstar: Whatever, I'll just suffer through Mousefur's rambling...*drives away*

Squirrelflight: T. Y!!!

Lionheart: What do you want?!

Squirrelflight: Choice of Number One, combo 3, and get it here A.S.A.P!

Lionheart: Um, okay...

Blackstar: HAHAHAHAH! I'M BACK, SUCKERS! *rams his car into Squirrelflight's*

Squirrelflight: HEY!!! That was EXPENSIVE, you jerk!

Blackstar: I don't care!

Squirrelflight: J.K, right?!?!?!

That, kids, is why you should never text and drive.

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