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Narrator Cat: *walks on stage* Hello, audience. I'm not gonna tell you my name, just 'cause I feel like it. Anyway, today we have a very special chapter. It's the Warrior Cats... on Twitter.

*crickets chirp*

Narrator Cat: Okay, maybe it's not really special, but it's something, let me tell ya. So, they aren't going on Facebook because Facebook sucks... no offense, and many people already did Warrior Cats on Facebook. I mean, WHY NOT TWITTER, HUH? IS TWITTER NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? HUH, FIGHT ME, BR--


Jayfeather: JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze

Lionblaze: LionblazeIsBlazin'

Dovewing: Lover_Of_Tigerheart

Bramblestar: Firestar'sSuccessor

Squirrelflight: Squirrelflight :D

Briarlight: NoLegs

Rowanstar: TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom

Heathertail: LIONBLAZEHATER1010

Mothwing: Mothwing

Jayfeather: *tweets* JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: I AM... sexier than Lionblaze.

LionblazeIsBlazin': D: HOW DARE YOU?

Mothwing: Hi Jayfeather. :D

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: Mothwing, your name is so dull and uncreative.

Mothwing: I don't believe in creative names.

LIONBLAZEHARER1010: Mothwing, don't be like Hollyleaf.

LionblazeIsBlazin': I would rather be mates with Hollyleaf than with you, Heathertail.

Lover_Of_Tigerheart: Eww, Lionblaze!

TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom: RETWEET. :D

Firestar'sSuccessor: Hey all you people, hey all you people! Hey, Rowanstar, is that you?

TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom: Yep.

Squirrelflight :D: HEEYYY!!

Firestar'sSuccessor: Hey Squirrelflight: <3 Then why the long name, Rowanstar? It's TOO LONG!

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: I agree.

NoLegs: *tweets* I see my Clanmates fighting with Mothwing, Heathertail, and Rowanstar. I'm gonna join in! :D

NoLegs: I'm barging in without any legs!

Mothwing: Who are you?

NoLegs: Briarlight from ThunderClan! KNOW IT!

LIONBLAZEHATER1010: Eww, another ThunderClan hare-brain! Bye, everyone! ...and Lionblaze.

LionblazeIsBlazin': Hmph. Good riddance.

LIONBLAZEHATER1010 logged off.

Squirrelflight :D: Hey guys, I got a joke.

TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom: What is it?

Squirrelflight: Just, just log off. Don't send messages anymore. You are a disgrace for username-making.

TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom: D: I just wanted to be creative...

TheOneWhoIsAlwaysConfusedWhetherIAmAShe-CatOrTom logged off.

Mothwing: He'll probably beat you up later.

Squirrelflight :D: Yeah, probably.

Mothwing: I'll go, too. Willowshine says she's gonna stalk Jayfeather, so I better catch up with her. If you see us outside your den, Jayfeather, no worries. Bye.

Mothwing logged off.

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: -_O

LionblazeIsBlazin': WHAT? I'm sexier than Jayfeather, why is every she-cat stalking him???

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: You're wrong. I'm sexier than you, but everyone can stalk you, I'm fine with that.

Lover_Of_Tigerheart: Let me see who everyone thinks is sexier... *tweets* Who is sexier? Lionblaze or Jayfeather?

Everyone but Cinderheart: JAYFEATHER!

Firestar'sSuccessor: Lionblaze, you got shut down.

LionblazeIsBlazin': D:

LionblazeIsBlazin' logged off.

Squirrelflight :D: He's a coward. He wouldn't be if he was our son, Bramblestar.

Lover_Of_Tigerheart: Nearly everyone's gone...

Squirrelflight :D: What does your username mean, Dove? You can't love Tigerheart, he's in ShadowClan! >:P

Lover_Of_Tigerheart: ...

Lover_Of_Tigerheart logged off.

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze: Oh, I see Mothwing and Willowshine now. They're stalking me. Gotta go.

JayfeatherIsSexierThanLionblaze logged off.

Firestar'sSuccessor: So... it's just the two of us, right, Squirrelflight?

NoLegs: THREE! But I gotta go stalk Jayfeather as well, so I'm going. Bye! :D

NoLegs logged off.

Squirrelflight :D: *tweets* How can so many she-cats love such a drag as Jayfeather?

Squirrelflight :D: Well, I gotta sort patrols. See ya, Brambley!

Squirrelflight :D logged off.

Firestar'sSuccessor: ...Don't ever call me 'Brambley' again.

Firestar'sSuccessor logged off.

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