I sat quietly by myself at my own little table, picking at the food before me. I kept the world around me shut out, afraid of what I'd have to return to. I was tempted to freeze time for a couple hours but I didn't have a good reason to. Over a year had passed since I returned from my adventure in Hyrule and my life was as dull as it could ever be. I was sixteen now, and any of my friends I did have either didn't care I was always depressed or cared too much. I decided to try and avoid both because too much attention would drive me nuts and too little would just drag me down deeper into my depression.
Zelda had said the Triforce of Time was a mistake and that it would simply fade away after time. Right now, both seem false. If anything, my power over time has only gotten stronger and, to be honest, a little addicting. I find myself using it more than once a day, to give myself more quiet time, to give me more time to finish homework. I'm now to the point where I couldn't live without my power.
I allowed myself to absorb the world once more and all it's dullness. The school cafeteria came to life before me and a boy stood before me and my table. "What?" I mumbled, taking a bite of my sandwhich, not giving the boy a second glance.
I knew who it was, just by his very presence. It was Leeroy, the scrawny pale kid a grade ahead of me. If it wasn't for his black hair and sickly comlextion, I'd say he looked a lot like Link. He even had similar earings, only they were red. Leeroy was the bad boy of the school, flirting with the pretty girls and picking on the ugly ones. I must have been an ugly one because he was always breathing down my neck, trying to find my weaknesses. I don't have any weaknesses though, so really, he's just like a bee flying in circles around my head. Loud enough to get my attention, but not enough to make me angry.
"Heard you got perfect scores on all the last tests," he sneered, "What kind of cheat system are you using?"
"All I need is my own strengths," I said, which isn't a lie. Time is my ally and strength, "unlike bullies like you who use others to do your homework."
One thing I realized I might not have told is, my parents made me start a real school to prepare myself better for college. It annoying that they think I need to be thinking about college and school, but I know they're just trying to figure out what exactly is making me sad and help me. But no one can help me now.