Chapter 2

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I woke up in a pool of blood and I knew it wasn’t this month’s period. Unlike most people, I can distinguish between a dream and reality even if it doesn’t make any sense. I knew where I was and what had happened and as I predicted, I still had that hangover. Son of a bitch. I got up, aching all over from the whiplashes on my back. Didn’t stop me though. I sat down on a chair that was up against the wall nearest to the exit corridor. I didn’t want to look at what could be my freedom. Most people would do that, but I think it just accelerates the process of undoing one’s spirit. I looked up at the stone ceiling and took a deep breath. A soft sound came from my lips as I began to sing to myself. It was a pretty popular song. Green Day. Loved those guys.

“I walk a lonely road,

the only one that I have ever known,

don’t know where it goes

but it’s only me and I walk alone


I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

And I’m the only one and I walk alone” 

I heard him walk in the dungeon. I ignored him and continued to sing to myself, as his footsteps grew louder but the stopped. I continued to sing  as if I didn’t notice, but I could tell he was listening to every word. Good. Maybe the God of Mischief will become more sensitive. He eventually stepped in front of the cell, opening it and closing the door behind him, as he glared at me with his hands behind his back, but I continued,

            “My shadow’s the only one who walks beside me

            my shallow heart’s the only thing that’s beating

            Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

            Till then I walk alone”

“What are you doing?”

 “Singing, what else?”


 “Because you stuffed me in this shithole and because I can.”

 “You brought that on yourself”

  “No. You did. Because I’m not your plaything and I don’t have to do as you say if I don’t want to,” I say this calmly, too tired to actually put up a defiant fight. And he ignored this small back-sass I gave him and he stared down at me coolly, “Will you behave and pledge your loyalty to me, your prince, Midgardian?” I let out a heavy annoyed sigh. “Are you deaf? Loyalty is earned not given and without true loyalty even the most powerful being is reduced to dirt under one’s feet because they don’t expect to feel so alone.” He scowled at me, but I saw a glint of pain in his eyes. Did I hurt him? I hope I did. It’s what he gets for abusing me.

Suddenly I heard him sigh, “Remember you brought this on yourself, Midgardian.” He used his magic powers to bind my wrists together behind the chair and my feet to the two front legs. He kneeled down in front of my with a stern look on his face. I didn’t struggle, I was too tired and plus I knew what he was going to do. The best thing to do was to keep cool and not give him a reaction. If he didn’t break me by tearing my skin apart, he wouldn’t by sexually harassing me either.

 He grabbed my chin between his index finger and thumb, making our eyes meet and he probed my expression for any sort of weakness before he slipped his bare hand under my shirt. It was definitely arousing. His hand was cold, soft and his fingers were long, however, it was so easy not to moan, it was ridiculous. I’ve touched myself often before and, living in a tight-ass apartment forced me to master the art of silent masturbating. Checkmate Loki.  His jaw was set and so was mine. My indifferent expression didn’t falter as his hand trailed up to cup my breast. He gave it a squeeze before using his index finger to tease my nipples as he buries his face in my neck, whispering quite teasingly, “By the time I’m done with you, Midgardian, You’ll be begging for my forgiveness”. I ignore him and concentrate my gaze on one spot, thinking of other things so I wouldn’t moan.

  Loki darted his tongue out and licked up and down my neck. It felt so nice. His body was so cold, but in a way it’s perfect. I usually don’t like having sex because I hate how everything gets hot when a guy gets close to you, but Loki’s cold body kept mine from heating up too much balancing the temperature perfectly. He started pressing his body against mine, squeezing my breast harder, groping it as his free hand started to slide down my back, trailing down my thighs and back up. He slipped his hand under my boxer shorts, teasing the skin of my ass. I kept my cool, but it was getting so much harder to keep silent. The feeling was divine. If Loki weren’t such a dick, I would have probably agreed to sleep with him.

Suddenly, the hand that was on my leg traveled to my inner thigh, moving up agonizingly slow. Oh god. I think I’m going to be sick, but I had to suck it up if I hoped to get through this. His icy hands pushed the hem of my boxer shorts aside and reached my lips, sliding his fingers between my folds,  “You seem to be more aroused than you make out to be,” he says against the sensitive skin of my neck as he brushes two of his fingers against my core, contemplating how wet I was. I could tell he had a smirk the size of Indonesia plastered on his face and it pissed me off. I kept the same expressionless face without daring to look at him, “It’s one thing to be aroused; it’s another to be enjoying it.” And what I said was true, but as I said before, if he were a lot nicer I would definitely be fucking enjoying it.  That pissed him off again and he shoved two digits into me, scissoring his fingers violently. I felt my skin get warmer around my neck as he continued to lick and suck on my neck. Who knew such an ass hole could be so good at this, so capable of pushing me to the edge with nothing more than his hands and his tongue?  He started thrusting his fingers in and out, adding another digit and hitting my g-spot several times. I had managed to suppress my moans but not a gasp that escaped my lips when he started thrusting harder and faster.

I felt my muscles start to contract as my orgasm neared. But so did Loki. As I was about to climax, he stopped and pulled his fingers out. What a prick. He stood up and stared back at me. My expression hadn’t changed, but his did. He was confused, he was speechless and I knew it. “How does it feel to realize that you can’t have everything in this world?” I said to him in a low and calm voice. He growled in anger. I had hit a raw nerve and he pushed me to the wall with brute force, grabbing me by my neck. He didn’t say anything. No, he couldn’t say anything. I was right. No one can get everything they want, be it a God, king or a mere human being. He held me in his death grip for a minute, but I didn’t react. I needed to keep my cool. If I kept reminding myself that, I would be able to.

He released me with a scowl on his face and he unlocked the cell gate angrily. “Wait.” I called out to him before he exited. He lifted his face, “What?” he spat. “My name is Anna. If you want my respect you can start my respecting me first and calling me by my name instead of this ‘Midgardian’ crap.” He stared at me for a while in thought before looking away and storming back out of the dungeon. I heard the slam of the metal doors closing behind him and I was once again alone. Alone. It didn’t occur to me right away that I was the only one in there, but I was. I walked to the cell bars and looked over to the other cells. Yes, I was indeed alone. I let out a heavy sigh before I heard the crash of the dungeon doors opening once more and loud clanging of footsteps on the floor. I gasped. Was he coming back to try some other method to try to torment me? Was it even him? I realized that all I could do was wait and face what was to come.

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