Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Olga Rivera Berrios

When I woke up, Loki had already left doing whatever the hell gods do in the morning. I didn’t really care. I was kind of a loner anyways and liked to be alone. Gave me time to think. I went over to the mirror in the bathroom to straighten out my hair because I always get this insane bed hair. I also noticed that I had a drool trail on my chin. Fucking fantastic. I washed my face and combed my hair with my fingers before I heard something behind me. I looked in the mirror to see nothing, so I continued messing with my hair. And there it was again.

This time I turned around to make sure it wasn’t Loki, trying to spook me. Sure enough, there was nothing behind me except a towel on a rack hanging on a wall. I must have been going nuts with the whole sleep thing or that I didn’t had coffee that morning. If I didn’t have my coffee, I’d get this ridiculously bad headache or I’d start hearing things or something. That’s it. This was nothing more than a coffee withdrawal toying with my mind.

Then I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I squealed in surprise before turning around again. But I found nothing. Huh. I’m almost positive I felt something. Maybe I was going crazy... Or maybe not. Because I felt the arm again, this time with the hand trailing up my torso to grab my breast and I pulled back, swinging my hand in that direction with an overly-concentrated look on my face. Then I heard a chuckle and I turned around again, only to find nothing, again.

“Anna, darling, you’re just so amusing.” Yup, that was Loki alright. “Oh great, you can screw with my head too? Ain’t that swell!” I say sarcastically with a scowl. “What the hell do you want so early in the morning anyway?” I could just feel his whole body pressed against mine from behind with his arms wrapped around me and his hands resting on my hips, even if I knew he wasn’t really there, “I’m bored and I’m more in the mood to play with you my little slave,” he whispered huskily. This pissed me off and I brushed him off, or I would have if he weren’t just in my mind, “Nope. No way. I’m not your slave and I’m not going to play your sick games.” I said exiting the bathroom and going back to the couch and sitting down.

I felt his hand move up and down my inner thigh, “Oh, come now, darling—“ “I said no, you idiot.” I said crossing my legs and grabbing my guitar and playing a few licks. He tried to grope my breast again and I yelled at him, “I said NO dammit!” I said with a scornful look on my face before going back to my guitar singing again. As I expected, he stopped to listen to me. He really was predictable sometimes, like a puppy. While I was singing and playing I thought about it though: maybe sex with Loki wasn’t so bad? He wasn’t bad looking. He was actually quite attractive when he wasn’t being a total dick. Plus, when he wasn’t being a total dick he was actually really sweet…

I quickly pushed the thought out of my head. It’s wrong to make love to someone if you don’t really love him or her, right? Or at least that was my view on the matter so I continued to play for myself, noticing how he kept his distance from me as if he was frightened I’d yell at him again. “Please?” I stopped everything I was doing in shock. Did he just beg? Have I broken him to the point he felt so insignificant that he had to beg for me to have sex with him? No. I didn’t buy it. I was fully aware I was dealing with the God of Mischief. He was trying to get me to feel sorry for him enough to make myself feel guilty for refusing him, but I had to give him points for trying.

I set my guitar aside and folded my arms; “I’m not having sex with someone who isn’t here.”


Hah, always a step ahead of the game. Or so I thought because in seconds he was sitting beside me with his arms wrapped around me and his face nuzzled in my neck. “Oi, weren’t you busy someplace, you insect?” I said pushing him away, feeling a blush flood into my cheeks. “I’d rather play with you, darling.” He said in a very bold and flamboyant way before pulling me close to him. I was surprised at how gentle he was being despite his boldness. He held me, almost cradling me, staring into my eyes as I watched him, open-mouthed, still blushing brightly. He smiled in a way that made me confused about his motives and when he leaned down to kiss me, I turned my head away, “Stop…” I said softly furrowing my eyebrows. He didn’t stop, but I learned his target wasn’t my lips anyway, it was my cheek. His eyes were closed as he nipped on my cheek with his cold but soft lips.

“Those rosy cheeks of yours are simply lovely, my dear,” he whispered in my ear. I didn’t know why it did, but this small compliment aroused me and I involuntarily closed my eyes and let out a quiet sigh. He seized that opportunity to capture my lips with his. I don’t know what it was but I wouldn’t push him back and I couldn’t pull away. The taste of wintergreen lingering in his mouth mixed with a coldness I couldn’t explain was intoxicating, not to mention his lips were softer than they appeared to be, moving in perfect rhythm with mine.

It took me a while to notice that he had me pinned down under him on the couch, but by then I stopped caring. His tongue had slipped into my mouth, exploring every inch and corner of it. I felt my neck heat up and my arms automatically wrapped around Loki’s neck. I stopped thinking completely, submitting to his lust. He pressed his body against mine as he continued to kiss me deeply and his hand began to roam my body, sliding down my waist to my hips and down my thigh. His actions made me moan for the first time since I met him. He pulled back his lips ever so slightly, “I see you long for me as I do for you, my dear Anna.” I rolled my eyes. “In your dreams,” Is all I managed to say. I couldn’t think of any way to retort in a sarcastic or witty way. I just couldn’t. Why? Because it was true, I was starting to have feelings for him and I hated it.

He pressed his lips to mine once more, lifting me up gently and placing me on his bed without breaking the kiss. I snaked my hands around him tighter as his fingers trailed behind me, unlacing my dress and slipping it off my shoulders, tossing it aside when it was completely off. He then pulled away, undoing what robes he had on. I watched in awe as he began exposing his body and I realized he was perfect. His slender body was lean and toned where it was needed and his arms were thin but strong. Soon I could feel his body on top of me, his hands cupping my breast and his lips attacking my neck. It felt so different from the first time he touched me. This time, he was gentle, affectionate and passionate, and he didn’t have the sinister aura about him. Even if I had tried I wouldn’t have been able to refuse him anymore. I felt attracted to him and he was doing everything he could to keep things that way.

Soon he dragged his fingers from my breast to my already wet sex, making me gasp, “You feel so delicious here,” I blushed brightly, “Oh, shut up, you idiot” This made him chuckle and kiss my cheek as he inserts two fingers into me, rubbing his thumb on top of my clit. I moaned airily, pulling him closer to me involuntarily. He then dove down and crashed his lips into mine once more, closing his eyes gripping my thigh with his free hand, urging me to wrap my legs around him.

I felt my body become warmer as he continued to finger me faster and harder. I moaned into his mouth as he did into mine and I felt my stomach begin to tighten before he pulled out his fingers. I moaned loudly as he did this and he positioned himself at my entrance, not even asking if I was unsure and he slammed right into me. I had my eyes closed almost the whole time so I didn’t notice how hard he had become, but I definitely felt it now. It was so hard he stretched me, especially since I haven’t had sex in ages. I moaned so loudly it was almost a yell, but he silenced me with his lips, biting and nipping at them, capturing them with pure dominance. He began moving his hips back and forth, starting to moan inside my mouth. He kept going faster and harder until I started moving my hips in sync with his.

My fingers became tangled in his jet-black hair as he gripped my hips tightly. I was reaching my limit and so was Loki. He continued to slam into me faster and faster. I felt my muscles tighten and pulse as I feel him spill his seed inside of me. I Scream his name. I regretted doing so. It showed that I had submitted to him completely. He groaned loudly and we held each other tightly. I felt his chest heave against mine as our weight slowly fell completely on the bed. My mind was clouded and I didn’t know what I was doing. The moment caused me so much ecstasy that I felt drugged and my judgment felt hazy, but I closed my eyes and said it anyway, stupid girl.

“Loki… I love you”

He quickly pulled back in shock, “What?”

“You heard me, dumbass, I said I love you.” I could tell he smiled because he nuzzled against me like I was the first to say that. Nah. I couldn’t possibly be. Anyway It took him a while and a lot of goddamn effort to say it too but he eventually did, “I love you too, my darling, Anna.” And with that we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

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