Chapter 7

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Part I: Anna

When I woke up, Loki was already dressed and was sitting beside me, stroking my hair gently. I smiled and closed my eyes, nuzzling against him, "Good morning, Loki" I said to him. He smiled back at me warmly before placing a soft kiss on my cheek, "Get dressed, my dear. Today is my brother's coronation."

"Coronation, huh? Kudos to him." I said, getting up and getting the clothes I recieved yesterday. "Your body is simply ravishing, my darling." he said, teasing me. I looked back at him and smirked, "You pervert." "Making love to you would make any man perverted." he retorted. I almost snorted at his comment, "You're terrible." I said as I got dressed. He stood up from the bed and walked over to me, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other hand trailed up and gropped my breast gently, poking at my nipple with his finger, "Naturally, my dear. If I weren't then I wouldn't be the God of Mischief, now would I?" I almost gasped and moaned at his gentle caress but held it in and blushed, "You smartass..." He chuckled and kissed my neck, leaving me to continue getting dressed.

When I'm fully clothed, he offered me his hand and I took it happily. He guided me down to the ballroom from before which, to my astonishment, has been transformed completely: Tables were set up with a banquet, chairs were set at the tables plus a throne and two smaller ones beside it, and many people were gathered there too, including Thor and Odin and his wife.

I looked around, kind of feeling out of place around all the Asgardians, but then Loki wrapped his arm around my waist, advertising our relationship. I felt he was proud I was his and he was mine, and I felt happy inside, so much that I smiled. Many women showed their displeasure with my being with him, but it was because they were jealous and it made me feel pretty good about myself. When we reached his huge chair he sat down first and pulled me down onto his lap and kissed my cheek, which, naturally, made me blush and smile like an damn idiot.

What happened next was a blur. As Thor was about to be crowned king, I heard someone scream and another person yell and in no time everyone was in a panic, for what I didn't know. Loki sent me up to his room and I wanted to protest but didn't because I knew very well my level of strength in comparison to everyone else here and Loki was no exception. Fifteen minutes after I got to the room, he returned with a lighthearted look on his face. "Loki, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, darling. I'm just going out with Thor for a bit. A frost giant broke into the castle and we are sending a small group to retaliate." My eyes widened in horror, "Loki, don't go. I'm begging you not to!" I said quickly, my voice wracked with worry. "Do you not trust in my strength?" he said with a mildly hurt expression. I furrow my eyebroes and frown in response, shaking my head anxiously, "No, Loki. That's not what I'm worried about at all!" "Then tell me, what's troubling you?" he said as he took me in his arms and pulled me close to him, cupping my cheek with his and and looking into my eyes. I didn't know what to say. How could I tell him he was actually a frost giant without the fear he'd abandon everything and go back to them? I couldn't bear to lose him that way.

I rested my hand over his and leaned into his palm, not breaking the long silent gaze, "... Alright... but promise you'll come back right?" He immediately started to smile and leaned forward to kiss my forehead, "I could never leave you forever, my love." I nodded and pulled him into a hug, not so much as to say farewell, but as a comforting gesture, saying he'd always have someone who loves him waiting for him. After that he pecked my lips and he was out the door and gone.

Part II: Loki

After I was brought back to Asgard along with my brother, I was feeling pretty good about myself: I got him banished from Asgard and my father has gone into a trance, so now everything was going according to my briliant plan. So well in fact that I decided to tell Anna the good news. She would be my queen and we would rule Asgard together after I make sure Thor is gotten rid of.

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