Chapter 3

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I think that was the first time since I got to Asgard that I actually felt genuine dread of Loki’s return. Up until then I didn’t care much but now I was just annoyed and tired of everything and I needed a fucking break. I sat down, hugging my legs on my bloodstained bed, without looking outside my cell. I heard the footsteps getting closer, echoing through the empty prison.

“Excuse me, miss? May I ask who you are and what you are doing in this cell? This wing of the dungeon is supposed to be empty.”

That wasn’t Loki. This voice was deeper, more powerful… kinder. I turned my head and the man in front of my cell turned out to be the exact opposite of Loki. He was more buff than Loki; he had beautiful golden hair and sky blue eyes. But more importantly, his face showed concern. “Anna… My name is Anna. Loki put me in here. He’s angry because I refuse to be his slave…” I say turning my head away. I can see through the corners of my eyes that his widen in surprise, “Slave?” He says in dismay before noticing the dry blood on my back and bed sheets.  “Your back… what happened? Did he…? I’ll have a serious word with him at once!” I stop him before he leaves, “No, no. It’s okay. I can handle it. He’s a spoiled brat that needs to learn a lesson or two and I intend to teach it to him.” He looks at me surprised for a moment before chuckling, “Strong words for a young woman such as yourself, especially towards my brother.” I quickly turn my head to look at him, wide-eyed. “That means you’re Thor, doesn’t it? I’m sorry, no offense about your brother—“ “It’s alright, miss Anna. He can be a child sometimes, but so can I… I cannot wish for a better brother. ..” I smiled slightly as he mumbles the last sentence. Loki was really lucky to have a brother like Thor. I didn’t know him well but so far he was nice and wasn’t screwed in the head.

“I apologize greatly for what he has done to you. Are you sure you don’t want me to talk to him about it? I could get the key from him and let you out of this cell.” I gave him a lighthearted smile and shook my head, “Nah, it’s okay… As I said, I have to teach him an important lesson, and I’m off work and school for the next couple months anyway so I’ve got time to kill.” He gives me a sympathetic smile and bows his head, “It was nice to have met you, Anna of Midgard. I shall take my leave now.” “It was nice to meet you too, Thor.” And with that he left me alone, leaving the dungeon.

I sat back in my bed and closed my eyes, and I wondered. Why didn’t I accept Thor’s offer to set me free? I could go back to my apartment, play my guitar for myself, preform in café’s and on streets; back to my sweet carefree life of a future recording artist. Why was I throwing all that away for the God Of Mischief? Because deep down I knew he was broken and he needed someone to tell him to man the fuck up, that’s why. He’s a bully, taking out his insecurities on other people. I just hoped that he’d start up a conversation now that there’s nothing else for him to do.

I realized that I haven’t really eaten anything since the afternoon before and on top of that, I’ve lost so much blood from my wounds that I started feeling lightheaded and I needed to lie down. The dry blood and my shirt plastered to my back felt gross and the silence of the dungeon was eerie. My body started to throb to the point that I could hear my heartbeat pulsing in my ears and my exhaustion became apparent. My breaths became heavy and slow as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

It must have been a couple hours before I woke up again but when I did I felt aching all over. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. I scowled to see Loki sitting in the chair at the corner of the cell room. I was definitely not in the mood for his crap right now. He stood up and walked over to me calmly and handed me a glass of water. I gave him a confused look. Of course I was skeptical about this sudden act of kindness. I eyed the glass for a while and observed Loki’s expression closely. I couldn’t tell what kind of look he gave me but it was certainly a complex one. I didn’t want to accept the water, but my body needed it. My lips were chapped and I was dehydrated because my last drink was a fucking beer so I slowly took the glass from his hand, “Thank you.”

He looked shocked to hear those words of mine. He probably expected me to be nasty, but I’m not like that. I may be harsh at times, but only when I am treated as such. Maybe he was smart enough to realize it. I take a couple gulps of water before sighing, “Don’t be surprised. I don’t bite. I just bite back.” He remained silent with a dumbfounded look on his face. “I-I don’t understand… After what I did to you… don’t you feel hatred towards me?” I looked at him in the eye for a moment without saying a word before looking away. “I don’t hate you. You’re a spoiled brat and you piss me off to no end… but I don’t hate you…” I said before taking another gulp of water. He continued to watch me, “I still don’t understand…”

“…You know…? From the second you broke into my apartment to this very moment I knew something was weird about you and now I know what it is. You try too hard to be evil but you can’t be because deep down you’re too nice.”

He furrowed his eyebrows. I gave him a half-smile, ”If you were actually the cruel person you make yourself out to be, you wouldn’t have come back down and given me a drink, now would you?” I said finishing off the glass and setting it on the floor next to my feet. “No I guess I wouldn’t…” he replied softly. “Anna… That is your name, correct…?” I flash my half-smile again, “Yeah… I‘m surprised you remembered actually…” He couldn’t help but smile a tiny bit, “Uh… would you… lie face down…? on the bed I mean? To clean your wounds” I nodded a couple times and did as I was told before closing my eyes as he knelt down and pulled up my torn shirt to my neck and placing a cold, wet cloth on my back, making the cuts in my skin burn a little.

“What inspired your change of heart?” I mumbled as he worked at the dried up blood. He takes a while to respond, “I realized it was as you said; I’m not used to taking no for an answer…” I can hear the guilt in his voice. “And another question, if I may ask, is why did you insist on me? There are plenty of other girls in the bay area, or on the entire friggin’ planet for that matter, so why me?” This took even longer for him to respond than the last question, at least five minutes, “Because you’re beautiful…” My eyes snapped open to look at him, probing his expression for any sign of lying, but it wasn’t there. He was being honest. “…And I’ve come to realize… your voice is also beautiful…” I continued to stare at him, as my cheeks grew warm with a deep blush. He looks down at me, still cleaning my wounds and he began to chuckle, “You’re blushing,” I quickly looked away and groaned, turning my face to the other side, “Aw, shaddup.” He chuckled again and I feel his fingers brushing over my swelling cuts. I could tell he was using magic because I could feel the wounds closing themselves. I close my eyes and let out a soft sigh.

“I’m sorry I did that to you…”

“It’s alright.”


“You figuring out your mistakes and wanting to fix them is enough for me to forgive you. If you didn’t mean your apology then I wouldn’t but you do, so quit being a dork and calm the fuck down.” I say with a lighthearted smile on my face.

“At least let me give you a better room to stay in instead of this cell… I don’t want you as a prisoner anymore…”

“It’s fine. All I ask for is new bed-sheets and my guitar.”

“No, I insist in moving you out and into more proper quarters.” He said pulling my shirt down and lifting me up. I stopped him, digging my heels in the floor, “You get my guitar for me and I’ll let you move me anywhere you like, how’s that?” He studied my offer carefully in his mind, “Even to my room?” I seriously did not expect that. I looked at him in surprised for a moment, “…Uh, sure… “ I said shrugging my shoulders. He gave me a big-ass smile and asked me to follow him back to his room.

“Wait here while I leave to get your guitar, alright?” He said when we got there. “Alright.” I said nodding as he smiled back at me before taking his leave. He really was just a kid inside, even though he was probably a couple years older than me. It was pathetic and cute at the same time.

I looked around once I was alone. His room was quite nice: a spacious place with a large bed, a sofa, a desk and an emerald green and black color scheme. I sat down on the sofa and closed my eyes, waiting for Loki to come back.

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