Chapter 8

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I was angry and sad and mad all at the same time. Loki had torn my heart into a gazillion tiny pieces, but I told myself I'd forgive him if he really did love me and trust me. So far, things weren't looking good, "Anna..." he said breaking the ice, "I can't do this, you could die and I want you well and safe." I looked at him with dead seriousness, "I know the risk I'm taking. Just be your true self... that's all I want..." He looked me for a minute with extreme hesitation before he sighed a little and slowly, his skin started to change color. Intricate designs were etched in his now blue skin. He stared at me with an ashamed look and I returned the stare but in awe. He was as beautiful as he was before and I felt pulled towards him. I quickly wrapped my arms around him, feeling the painful sting of a thousand cold needles against my skin. It was like hugging dry ice, but even though I felt excruciating pain, I didn't pull away, make a sound or even flinch. If I wanted Loki to trust me I had to show him that I trusted him, no matter who he was. I started to shiver involuntarily but I refused to let go. 

"Anna, stop" he said pushing me away in a scared tone. He looked at my blue and purple frostbitten skin. I held in the pain, I didn't scream, cry or even wince. I kept totally still, keeping my gaze fixed on Loki. He went back to his humanoid form and used his magic to heal me and the pain instantly subsided. "Anna... you really don't think lowly of me in that form?"  

I shook my head, "Loki you're beautiful..." Obviously what I said shocked him and he was about to attack my lips with a kiss, but I stopped him, "Not as a human." "B-but, Anna, you saw what--" "And you saw I didn't give a damn. Isnt there a spell you can use to make my body resistant to the cold or something?" He looked at me in the eyes with a mixture of sadness and nervousness befoee nodding before he placed his hands on my face and dragged them all around my body. I suddenly felt heat radiating off me. There was an u 

uncomfortable heat, but then I got somewhat used to it and looked back at Loki, "Loki..." He nodded hesitantly before he changed back into a frost giant with patterns etched in his skin and crimson red eyes. I knew I had to make the first move because I knew he was afraid, so I took his face gently in my hands and kissed him gently but passionately. The slight gasp in his breath gave away his feeling of surprise as I deepened the kiss and soon he followed suit and kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me. I closed my eyes, feeling nothing but his deliriously icy tongue tangle with mine and the fog settling in my brain as he let his hand wander about my body. I couldn't pull away from the kiss and neither could he, for the ecstasy produced by it was so intense that I fell backwards on the bed with him on top of me and my legs curled around his waist. He gently moved his hand to grope my breast amd play with my nipple and I moaned loudly in his mouth. It made me happy to know he trusted me more than anyone and that he knew that I trusted him. It was like every single door to his heart was suddenly unlocked. 

He finally pulled away from my lips and moved his to my cheek, trailing them down my jaw and neck until he reached my breast. I gasped and moaned as I felt the chill of his lips against my skin and I tangled my fingers in his hair, "Anna, you're so warm, it's so lovely" he whispers huskily before biting and sucking on my nipple. I didn't know how to respond in a way other than gasps and moans as his tongue dragged against me and his hands lowered to my hips. It was like I was naked in the middle of a San Francisco winter, but better. His simple presence and loving gestures towards me gave off their own special kind of warmth that only I would understand, "You're warm too, Loki" I whispered to him. He pausedfor a second, startled by what I said and raised himself over me to look at me, scanning for any sort of falsehood in my compliment, as I'd expect from him since he was so paranoid. When he was convinced what I said was genuine he leaned forward and kissed me gently before moving again, this time to my belly, leaving butterfly kisses and caressing my thighs with his hands. He kept lowering himself until he arrived at my sex which was becoming wetter with each passing second. I sighed his name as my fingers still comved his jet black hair and he darted his tongue out, licking me all over my sex and nibbling softly at my clit. The combination of his sudden movements with his icy skin created a sudden sensation that spread all over me and caused me to moan loudly and jolt a little, but his hands kept me firmly down. 

I felt myself getting more and more aroused and when I thought it wouldn't get better, he pushed his tongue inside me and I yelped. I heard him moan a little when he began to taste me and I gently pulled my hands away from his hair and gripped at the bedsheets tightly, my chest starting to heave with uneven breaths as his long tongue reached as deep as it possibly could. When I started to tremble he pulled his tongue out and looked at me with a soft affectionate smile on his face and I return his gaze with the same emotions. He moved his hands once more, to my ass and pulled my hips to his, slowly pushong himself inside me. The feeling of something chilled inside me was pure ecstasy and I moaned and Loki did the same, "So tight! So warm!" he yelled breathlesly as his grip on me tightened. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I pulled him back into another passionate kiss, pushing my tongue through his lips. I felt I would become addicted to him. 

He slowly started working his hips against mine and I synchronized my movements with his and my mind became even more clouded. I could barely hear anything, but I could feel everything, his breaths, his quickening thrusts, his heartbeat and his hands slipping into mine on either side of me. As we went faster and harder, the muscles in my stomach started to tense as I reached my climax and Loki noticed this, slamming into me to catch up. Our mouths remained linked and our moans increased in volume as the kiss intensified. And I felt my orgasm so painfully close, I counted the thrusts of our hips, one, two, three, four, five... until my walls collapsed and tightened around his length and he spilled his seed inside me. We both yelled out in pleasure until it ended and he colapsed on top of me, his chest heaving against mine and he wrapped his arms around me tenderly, "Anna... I love you." I smiled whispered back to him "I love you too Loki", "Thank you..." he mumbled so softly I barely heard but I heard it and I smiled, overjoyed and I combed his hair with my fingers, "You will always be loved, Loki..." and with that we drifted off to sleep.

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