Chapter 6

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I woke up before Loki this time. My face was pressed to his chest and his arms held me somewhat tightly in place. I moved my hand ever so slowly to not wake him up and rub the sand from my eyes. It must've been late afternoon, but you could hardly tell because Loki's room had no windows.

I looked up at him and observed his face up close for the first time. When he was asleep, his features were flawless and his breaths were shallow but calm. It still feels unreal that I made love to him just a few hours ago, the guy who broke into my place and kidnapped me. And I said I loved him. It got me thinking: Did I really love him? l've never really said anything like that to anyone before, not even to a boyfriend. I always believed that a person should be careful with that word in this context. The tricky thing is that love isn't something you can think about or check to make sure, like a math problem; it's unstable and you have to trust your gut because love is stupid like that. Thing is that my gut likes to rationalize and it's constantly confused and making dumb decisions, like saying I loved Loki in the first place. Maybe it means I did? I just decided to go with it.

I sat up carefully, but Loki didn't let go so I sat with his arms around my hips. I looked down at him and smiled, starting to hum and resting my hand on his head. I combed his hair gently with my fingers, pushing a few strands out of his face as he slept. My humming, then, turned to singing,

"Stay for tonight

if you want to I can show you

what my dreams are made of

as I'm dreaming of your face

I've been away for a long time

such a long time and I miss you there

I can't imagine being anywhere else

I can't imagine being anywhere else but here

how the hell did you ever pick me

honestly cuz I can sing you a song

but I don't think words can express your beauty

it's singing to me

how the hell did we end up like this?

you bring out the beast in me

we fell in love from the moment we kissed

since then we've been history

they say that love is forever

your forever is all that I need

please stay as long as you need

can't promise that things won't be broken

but I swear that I will never leave

please stay forever with me"

Suddenly I felt Loki's arms tighten ever so slightly around me, "Alright, wise guy, quit pretending to be asleep." He rose and turned me around, pulling me close to him, having me recline against his chest, "What an observant young lady you are". I turned my head to look at him, a blush forming on my cheeks as he leans down and kissed me gently, cupping my cheek. "My dear your voice surpasses that of the angels." I felt my face go completly red so I turned my head away, "Aw shaddup, you're just saying that." He chuckled at my embarassment and kissed my cheek, "Anna, why do you sing what you do?." I laughed at his question, not because it was stupid, but because it's the one thing most guys just don't get nor care to get. Maybe Loki is the one after all? "Babe, let me tell you a little secret about women: when we sing, we sing the words and melodies that speak what's in our hearts because some things just can't be said in plain words," I say with an all-knowing smile on my face. Then I saw something I just didn't expect: I saw him blush. He looked at me in shock, speechless for a long before taking me into a full embrace, nuzzling his face on my shoulder. "You're my forever, Anna." My jaw dropped so hard it ended up halfway to China. So he was listening to me after all? Every word? "You were listining?" "Of course, my dear, every word you've ever uttered." I had officially fallen in love with him. May men all over the goddamn planet Earth learn from him.

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