Chapter 10

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It's been around five years since I lost Loki. After I found out I was pregnant, I refused to quit school or quit working. I wasn't allowed to bartend but the manager was nice enough to let me do gigs at his place, and I could see Priscilla every day. I needed to earn enough money to pay for college and for my baby. I couldn't rely on my mother to lend me more money, I shouldn't expect it. And it was my fourth year at the conservatory. I was so close to majoring in music performance... I wasn't going to give up when the finish line was within reach.

After nine months I was in the hospital with Priscilla in labor. It hurt so fucking much. I was screaming and cursing, but it was soon over. I gave birth to fraternal twins. A girl and a boy. The boy had a patch of blonde hair and Loki's beautiful bright green eyes, "Oliver... Oliver Diábliocht Odinson..." And the girl had jet black hair and greenish hazel eyes, "Alexandria Hope Odinson..." I say softly. Those were to be their names. My beautiful children... Priscilla was to be their godmother and she was happy to be. Now my children go to preschool and I spend lots of time with them, I have my degree in music and I've become a popular recording artist just like I've always wanted. I've moved to a nice house in San Francisco; a two story place with a nice yard and an English garden, plenty of space for my kids to play and for us all to live comfortably. On summer tours I take Oliver and Alex with me so they can see many places and have nice memories.

This summer I had a US tour and was to perform in New York for three nights and naturally I had Oliver and Alexandria with me. We stayed in a nice hotel and I would take them out to Central Park. I slept in the third day and woke up to the sound of Oli's voice. "Mama..." He said softly tugging on my shirt sleeve, "Mama, Alex and I are hungry." I groaned a little before opening my eyes and getting out of bed suddenly, "Oh! Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry! Mama will make you some pancakes okay?" Oliver smiled brightly and nodded, "Okay!" He ran to his sister and glomped her, "Alex! Alex! Mama's gonna make pancakes!" I couldn't help but chuckle. Oliver was such a sweet boy. "Ollie get offa me!" Alexandria commanded, but not without giggling cheerfully. Oliver, like his Gaelic name, Diábliocht, suggested, was quite the mischievous one like his father, but he would never play any tricks to hurt people. His pranks were humorous for everyone, while Alexandria was the one who always smiled. She would giggle and laugh and she was a very cheerful young girl. They were both very smart kids too. They already knew how to read and write and could always tell when something's on your mind and try to help out.

We went to the zoo today and then to the Statue of Liberty and both kids had lots of fun. I kept thinking about Loki and how he would have loved to have spent time with us... Around noon I took them out to eat and then back to the hotel suite. I was watching TV and on the news there was a report about some guy massacring a bunch of people in the past two days. It said this guy was in the area. Better avoid it. What a maniac. Then it said The Avengers were taking care of him: Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Thor... Wait. Thor?! I suddenly paid more attention to the screen while Ollie and Alex ate. I saw wreckage on Main Street with all four avengers fighting off alien things. Then I saw Iron Man go after one particular guy: a tall man with black hair and green and black garb. Loki. Oh shit, he was alive? More importantly, HE'S the maniac?

I quickly put the kids to sleep, it was their nap time anyway. I then wrote a note for them in case they woke up. Those kids were responsible enough to be trusted to be alone and sit quietly for a couple hours. Plus the door was locked and they weren't tall enough to reach it yet. I rushed to the war zone. There were policemen everywhere. No surprise there but I didn't care. I pushed by despite their protests, "Miss Sheridan! You can't go there it's too dangerous!" "Like I give a crap! Let me through! My boyfriend is in there!" They stared and froze in shock, long enough for me to get through. As soon as I got in an alien thing swooped over me and almost knocked me off my feet. Suddenly Hawkeye appeared next to me, "Holy crap! Anna Sheridan? I'm a huge fan... Wait what the hell are you doing here? It's dangerous!" He says before he shoots down one of the aliens, killing it. "I can't leave, Hawkeye. My boyfriend is in here." He stared at me just as shocked as the police. " who the hell is your boyfriend?!" "Loki" he was even more shocked than he was before and choked on his own saliva. " Are you crazy?!" " yeah I am. I have two kids at home and both of them are his but he doesn't know it and I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." This information was too much for him and he stood frozen for a good three seconds before calling Iron Man. "Yo, Stark! Get your ass down here! I got someone here who's the mom of Loki's children." He was down here in no time, "What are you talking about, Hawkeye? We don't have time for girls like her, no offense," he said. " None taken" Hawkeye vouched for me. "This is is serious Stark. She has a couple kids at home and she says they're his." Stark looked at me incredulously and I looked back at him sternly and defiantly. I was determined to see Loki again. After a few seconds he nodded and agreed to take me to him.

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