the perfect couple

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Hi! My name is Alison Elizabeth carter, and I want to show you how messed up my life was and how it changed. This is how it begins…

Just so you can get the picture of me, here you go!  I have black hair, hazel eyes, and I have two piercings below my bottom lip, and a piercing on top of the bridge on my nose. I am single, and wish I had a boyfriend. I mostly wear skinny jeans and a tank top, but at school I sometimes wear jeggings with a t-shirt. Here is my story:

I was at school doing a daily exam on science. Sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend to cuddle up with, chat with, hug, kiss, and have dates with, but I seem to be one of those girls who are not that attractive. Well at least I think so. I glanced over my shoulder to see two boys from the football team winking and smiling at me. Their names are Henry and Josh. DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! “Class is dismissed! We will finish our exams after lunch” Mr. Peterson said as I go up to head to lunch. “Alison! Can I sit by you at lunch?” Josh asked as I walked towards the cafeteria. “Em, yeah sure!” I smiled. Usually I sit by myself at lunch but I don’t think I will be now. We sat at my usual table, and talked. “Can I call you Ali?” Josh asked. “Sure I don’t mind!” I laughed. “Well, Ali, I guess I will see you later at my party!” josh said before we both had to leave.

I was digging in my dresser for clothes, I picked out this   I changed, did my hair, and put on my makeup. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My phone beeped and I picked it up. The text read:

Message from: JoshISdaBest

Message: Hey! When r u coming? The party is starting soon! :)

I replied back saying:

Message from: AlisonE.C.<3

Message: Im comin’ rights now, be there in a few!

I walked down the stairs only to be stopped by my mum! “ where do you think you’re going at … 11: 03 p.m? missy!" My mom asked. " oh this boy invited me to his house!" i smiled not wanting to give her anymore information. " hmm...  you can go but come back before 5:00 a.m, got it?!" she shouted while feeding my 1 year old sister Mallory baby food. I nodded and walked out of the house and drove to his house.  I reached it and all you saw was light, people running around, music, pool lights, everything you would see at a party. I got out of the car and walked inside. " hey ali, wanna go to the hot tub?" Henry said grabbing my waist. I could smeel the alcahol in his breath. " actualy Ali, was going to swim with us!" Josh said with a few of his friend's hugging their girlfriend's. The girlfriend's gave me some clothes to wear and here is what they gave me:  .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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