Chapter 15

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  A few minutes after Kelsey leaves Jake comes into my room. 

The look on his face tells me everything. Before I can say anything he looks at me and says "Is it true?" 

I stay silent before starting to answer his question. He interrupts me saying "Please tell me that it isn't true." I look into his eyes and see a pleading look.

 I think this is the first time that i've seen Jake have an emotion in his face other than lust and anger. 

I open my mouth and say "I'm so sorry Jake. I'm so so sorry." As soon as sorry comes out of my mouth Jake breaks down.

 I try to bring him into a hug but he starts pleading with me "Please no Ashlynn. Please, please, please, please. You're my baby I can't lose you." 

  I hug Jake and he starts crying even more. "You're the only thing I have. Please don't leave my Ash. Please don't." 

Jake crys in my arms for a bit. It's weird for me being the one to comfort him.   

Jake calms down and we move onto my bed. 

Jake quiets down and I assume he's sleeping, that's until I hear him speak. 

"So all of this has been a lie?" He mutters quietly.

I bite my lip before saying "Jake you know that-" He cuts me off. "No Ashlynn I don't want you to give me that bullshit, just tell me the truth."

A take a deep breath and say "Jake, you and I can stay friends. I mean you're an awesome guy. I'm just not attracted to you."

Jake stays quiet for a while before talking. We talk for a bit. Just about me and what's been going on with Kelsey and I. 

Surprisingly Jake is understanding, not to everything, but it's a start. Up until now, I didn't realise about how much Jake has cared about me. I am truly his everything.

I tell him everything that I told my mom. Even about how Kelsey treats me. 

  When I finish telling him the story he's quiet for a while before saying. "I would never treat you like that Ashlynn."

 I huff before saying. "Don't start this Jake."    

Jake laughs a bit and says "I'm just saying." He starts to say something else before he gets intruppted by a knock. 

  We open the door and immediately Jake gets protective.    

Ashlynn vs Kelsey(Lesbian gxg)Where stories live. Discover now