Chapter 19

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A/N I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! 

Maya to the side^^^^^^

I roll my eyes. "What's your deal Kelsey?" I ask.

Kelsey smirks and says "Give me just one more chance." As soon as chance comes out of her mouth I turn and start walking.

I feel her hand grab my upper arm. I clench my teeth "Let go Kelsey." I try to yank my arm away but her grip on me just tightens. "Please Ashlynn. Just give me one more chance."

I roll my eyes. "Kelsey, there's honestly no point. You do know that this camp is ending in less than 3 weeks? What can we do in less than 3 weeks? Come on Kelsey." I turn back around.

I hear Kelsey's voice behind me "I swear i'll make these 2 1/2 weeks amazing. Please Ashlynn, don't you wanna end this summer on a good note?"

I roll my eyes and walk away. Kelsey's crazy. There's literally no point in trying for a relationship now. After this camp is over I doubt that i'll even talk to her ever again.

I walk into my room and shut the door. I lay down in my bed and start drifting off to sleep when I hear a knock on my door.

I groggily get up and open it to see Kelsey staring back at me. I put a hand on my hip and block the doorway. I raise my eyebrow waiting for her to talk.

Finally she says "Since you wouldn't give me a last chance I actually have to punish you for the shit you pulled today. Now I thought about your punishment and talked with that lady about it too. We decided that i'm gonna have to have a deep conversation with you about how extremely stupid you are AND you're gonna be spending all of your free time with me."

I roll my eyes. "You must be kidding me." I mumble.

Kelsey smirks and says "Nope, we take things like that very seriously here. Now let me in so I can have that talk with you."

I slowly step out of the door way and start to follow Kelsey to her room. Once we get in I stand there awkwardly. It's been awhile since i've been here alone with her with both of us somewhat calm.

Kelsey looks at me standing and rolls her eyes "Stop acting like you've never been in here before, Ashlynn. Sit down." I slowly take a seat next to her on her bed. Surprisingly Kelsey does actually talk to me about what I did.

I still zone out though.

I already know that i'm not supposed to leave the group, blah-blah-blah. Kelsey stops in the middle of her sentence and I just stare at her. She huffs before saying "Ashlynn, could you please at least PRETEND that you're paying attention."

I just shrug.

Kelsey takes another deep breath before saying "Well fine then. I guess this talk is over with." I start to get up when Kelsey grabs my hand. I immediately yank it away before saying "Let go of me." I realize what i've just done when I see Kelsey's eyes.

Okay, maybe that was a little harsh. Kelsey looks at me shocked and i'm shocked with myself.

I gulp and say "Hey, my bad. I didn't mean for that to come out that harsh. I'm just gonna go back to my room." Kelsey stands up before saying "You can't do that. Um everyone kinda thinks that i'm gonna have this really long talk with you, so you're gonna have to stay in here for another 45 minutes."

I roll my eyes. "No offence Kelsey, but I kinda don't wanna be here, so i'm just gonna go." Kelsey rolls her eyes before mocking me "No offence Ashlynn, but you kinda need to stay here."

Ashlynn vs Kelsey(Lesbian gxg)Where stories live. Discover now