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I watch my best friend's eyes greedily take in her legs as she runs from the room, trying to cover as much of herself as she can and failing to hide the slight shake of her hand and my stomach flips.

Turning his attention back to me, he shakes his head. "I told you she was bad news, couldn't even wait till you were out the house five minutes before jumping me."

Gritting my teeth, I force out a laugh. "Funny innit?"

He grabs his shirt, throwing it back over his head, wincing as the material catches a fresh looking burn.

She was doing her hair when I left. I had smelled the thing she says is heat protector.

"That girl on tour. It was you."

I watch all the color drain from his face as he stammers, no doubt thinking up excuses.

"I don't know what you're-"

My anger seeps in. "Do not lie to me. That condom brand is yours. If she jumped you, why are you bleeding? Burned? Why is my house turned upside down. I have a feeling my bedroom won't look any better."

He regards me icily, "Those are some serious allegations Payno, you know that."

I sneer, "only friends call me Payno. I don't know who you are."

He throws his hands up, laughing. "All over some chick? We've known each other almost our whole lives."

"I know," I say quietly, "Which is why I'd imagine you know how I feel about boys who take advantage of women." I spit at him. "You need to leave."

He bumps my shoulder as he walks towards the door, pausing with his hand on the door knob he turns, a smug smile on his face.

"She feels heavenly."

Losing all grip on control, I rush him, our bodies colliding with the door as his nose seems to explode against it, blood leaking onto the pristine white tiled floors. He chokes a laugh, righting himself and opening the door.

"Tell me how my leftovers feel."

The door shuts, leaving the apartment eerily silent and I go running towards the bedroom, looking for Toya. She's curled up in front of the bedroom door, her body shaking as silent tears fall. I want to reach out and touch her but I don't want to startle her.

"Toya," I soothe, "baby, we need to get you to the hospital. I need them to check on you." I barely notice her small, shuddering nod as I grab a blanket to wrap her up and carefully put her in my car. My eyes keep darting over to her as she stares lifelessly out the window and my heart clenches.

Pulling aside a doctor, they wheel her to the back to check on her and I find myself on social media. Pictures of all of us on the steps and pictures of him leaving bloodied are plastered everywhere, fans having a field day and then some with speculation. A slight gasp erupts from behind me and I can see girls raising their phones in my periphery.

I can't even take her to the hospital without it being a spectacle.

Pulling my hood over my head, I stew on what happened while I was gone and his smug words. I never would've imagined that he would go so far to physically injure my girl. Now countless rumored whispers come flooding back, along with the grim realization that they all could be true.

He was using me to have his way with tons of girls.

The thought sobers me.

The doctor comes out and draws me to the side. "Fortunately, she fought him like hell. We have more then enough samples to make a case if she wants to. A few scrapes and spots that will bruise."

I let out a strangled sigh, his words ringing in my ears. "Did he?" I can't even finish the question, defeat rimming my emotions.

I was supposed to protect her.

The doctor fidgets. "We took a sample of pre ejaculatory semen off the outside of her underwear... However, as far as internally, there was a penetration of some sort but it doesn't reflect the bruising a male member would leave behind."

I stare blankly.

The doctor clears her throat and tries again, "I don't think he penetrated her... but he may have used something else. An object, fingers maybe. She won't say, she's just been asking for you."

I nod and start to follow the doctor to her room. The small woman pauses, "She told me she's been abused before. More than anything the flashbacks are probably hitting her right now. Tread carefully." I nod again and slip into her room. Toya is propped up against pillows, an ice pack on her cheek.

Her eyes guarded and sad as I walk in.

"I'm not pressing charges."

My heart splinters at how haunted and stressed she looks.

"But baby, he hurt you. he-"

Her eyes screw shut and she shakes her head. "I'm not pressing charges. I- I can't go through that again Liam." Her eyes open again, determined. "I can't live there anymore. I couldn't even walk into the bedroom to get pants. I'm so sorry I'm so much trouble."

Anger rises in me at her apology for his behavior. Hands clenching and smoothing into fists, I walk up to the side of her bed and she flinches slightly, but regards me full on.

"Stay still," she says suddenly, catching me off guard. Standing there gaping, she leans forward and kisses me and I have to fight my body not to jerk back and make her think I'm rejecting her, all the while confused that she kissed me.

Taking a deep breath, she nods to herself.

I stare.

Her eyes find mine. "I just wanted to taste your lips one last time."

Confusion fills my face and she keeps talking.

"You're going to leave me now. I'm too much trouble. He's your friend." She babbles and I'd laugh if my heart wasn't caught in a vise grip known as fear.

Fear that she would actually leave me.

Nothing about us is conventional but, god if hearing those words from him lips didn't strike fear into me.

I can't lose her.

"Toya," I strangle out, realizing she's still convincing herself that I'm here to break up with her.

"Baby, please shut up." I beg, watching quiet tears roll down her face as she panic babbles, not stopping once.

Mentally saying to hell with it, I crush my lips against hers to get her to stop talking. The salt from her tears in the kiss breaking my heart and renewing my promise to protect her all at once.

"I'm not going anywhere." I reassure her gently.

A heaving sob escapes her as her chest rises and descends quickly. "I was scared. I almost froze again. Oh god, Liam. Your friend. I'm sorry. I burned him." She cries.

"You slashed him pretty good too," I muse, and laugh. Her rapidly rising and falling chest, eases up a bit when her tearful laugh joins mine.

"A pen." She giggles, "oh my god, I was desperate."

Sobering, I draw her up into my arms, careful not to disturb the needle giving her pain meds. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. We'll move okay?"

"You believe me?" She asks carefully.

Nodding, I see the need to reassure her. "I'd suspected for a while. On tour and stuff. I just can't believe."

She silences me with a kiss. "We're going to be okay?"

"Better than words."

What Now? (Liam Payne) [BWWM] 2016Where stories live. Discover now