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One morning.

Just one morning I'd like to wake up to the house not sounding like its about to fall apart.

Easily distinguishing Liam's clean, rumbling voice from Z's lower, evenly paced one. I sigh, running my fingers through my curly hair.

S hi t.

I forgot to wrap it. Carefully sitting up, everything I imbibed the night before seems to be determined to climb its way back up my throat. Gratefully swallowing the water and pills Z left for me, I feel instantly 10x better.

Deciding to interrupt the heated exchange in the kitchen before they paint the room red, I make my presence known. Both pairs of eyes snap to mine and Z sends me a sheepish apology as I look at him through the side of my eye.

I didn't want to wake up alone.

Deciding they were both acting like children and most likely hungry, I order them to sit while I make breakfast, trying my best not to laugh at Liam studiously trying to keep any part of his body from coming into contact with Z.

Z catches my eye and quirks a brow, playful smile on his face as he too realizes what Liam is doing. Liam notices our shared smile and scowls.

Like I said, childish.

Cooking eggs and peppered potatoes in silence, I make three plates, sliding them in front of the two men.

"I'm pretty sure I still have some of Noah and Aiden's bibs around if you need them, since you want to act like children."

Two jaws drop.

Leveling a glare at Liam. "I am not some, some object that you can claim and throw fits about when others want it."

Catching Z's smirk, I level him with a side long glance. "Facts learned about me are not fodder for this infantile pissing contest the two of you have going."

Watching them both duck slightly, I continue speaking. "This mess has got to stop. Liam's mum is crying all the time, I'm crying all the time. The boys know something is amiss. The two of you need to settle this." They nod in silence.

"Liam," his eyes snap up to my face. "You still don't get it." He wilts under the full brunt of my heated gaze. "Everyone is telling you what's wrong and you're still determined to do it your way, causing more harm than good. I will not have you disrupting our children's happiness. I also won't stand by while you disown your love child."

"She really isn't mi-"

He shuts up as I glare at him. Z looks between the two of us and speaks carefully.

"He has reason to believe she's not his. He told me."

Liam looks at Z, thankful. Gaze darting between the two of them, I decide they're being truthful.

"Fine. But until you know for certain, do not speak ill of that little girl or her mother. They wouldn't even be a factor if you weren't involved."

Humbled, I visibly relax as traces of the Liam I used to know settle on his face. Z looks at me and I shake my head, we've only just reached a point of understanding.

He nods and eats his breakfast in silence, the warmth of his sweatpants covered legs removing some of the chill from my bare ones under the table. Caging my legs in with his, he sends me a mischievous grin before declaring he was going to do the dishes.

Liam is silent for the rest of the meal, but when he meets my questioning gaze, he smiles softly.

A phone buzzes on the table, snapping us out of the quiet moment. Eyes crinkling, both Liam and I reach for our phones and answer them.

"Hi, Ms.Payne. This is the head nurse from Aiden's school. There's been a bit of an accident."

Liam glances away from his phone call to meet my eyes, mouthing 'Aiden'. I nod. Z walks over and leans into the other side of the phone.

"What kind of accident?"

"Well, Ms.Payne. Your son is in the hospital."

"What!" Erupts from Liam at the other end of the table. Grabbing a pen, he scribbles something down and hangs up.

"Let's go."

Running to get dressed, the three of us are out the door in five minutes.

What Now? (Liam Payne) [BWWM] 2016Where stories live. Discover now