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Three weeks after having Zoe, Toya went back to work. The boys have school and Gia starts pre-k soon. Today being one of the days Z and I are on daddy duty for the two little girls, Gia decides that we're playing tea party.

Explaining to her that Zoe wasn't old enough to drink tea, Gia settled for her bottle, talking to the smaller girl as Z supports his daughter. It's actually quite funny to see him sitting there, tattoos as far the eye can see, patiently holding a baby while a toddler tries to explain to her why she needs to poke her pinky out.

He laughs when Zoe scrunches her eyebrows, her usual reaction to Gia. She follows Gia around the room with her eyes, looking at her father when Gia decides she needs to get her dry cereal for this tea party.

When Z and Toya brought Zoe home, it was clear she was going to be spoiled, the little girl already has Z falling apart when he has to be away from her for too long. His mini me. Her eyes were grey when they first brought her home, now they've faded into a mix of grey, green and blue. Doctors say her eyes will be a definitive color within the next few weeks, or it just may be that they remain a mix that reminds me of constellations.

A mass of curly hair frames her rounded little face, hints of high cheekbones already present. Almond shaped eyes are bright as she looks around her surroundings as she finishes her bottle, some of the milk dribbling down the corner of her mouth. Releasing the bottle with a gummy smile, she allows her father to wipe her mouth and lift her to burp her.

Walking behind him, I make faces at her and she grins, drool dropping down Z's back. I laugh as he visibly flinches.

"Zoe." He groans. "Messing daddy's shirt up."

She burps.

"That was a big one! Way to go Zoe." I cheer and she rewards me with another wet grin.

"Daddy! You're not playing tea party anymore." Gia stomps her foot, walking back in the room with the cereal snack Toya put aside for her before leaving. Scooping her up in my arms, she eats her cereal in a huff, ignoring me.

"I'm mad at you daddy."

"Zoe needed someone to play with her." I answer, looking at Gia glaring at Zoe.

"She has her daddy right there. You're my daddy." Gia argues. "Noah and Aiden are at school and Zoe is too little to be fun." Z laughs as Gia continues ranting. "I just wanted to play tea party, but Zoe has to be in her daddy's arms. He says i'm too little to hold her."

"Well you're just right for me to hold you." I soothe the little girl and she pushes my face away, keeping me from kissing her cheek.

"This is what you have to look forward to." I grumble at Z, still laughing at my daughter being annoyed with me.

"Oh, I already have. Toya has been complaining I forgot who carried Zoe." We both laugh.

The front door slams and Aiden comes running in, trailed by his brother. Aiden makes a bee line for Zoe, before getting directed to go wash his hands. Noah walks in the room, wiping his hands and he reaches out for Zoe and Gia huffs.

"What's so special about Zoe?" She gripes and Noah looks at me, annoyance on his face at Gia's ever increasing verbal annoyance at Zoe.

"Don't talk about my little sister like that Gia." Noah warns and the little girl bursts into tears.

"NO! Everything is about Zoe, Zoe, Zoe. I'm your sister too!" Gia cries and Aiden appears. He looks at Gia, looks at his brother protectively shielding Zoe, my tired face and Z's eyes settled on Gia and huffs.

"Gia, we talked about this. Zoe is a baby."

"Well I'm little too." She lifts a tear stained chin in the air. "Take Zoe back to the hospital, then I'll be the favorite again."

"Should've left you with your mother." Noah grumbles and all eyes snap to him.

"Noah!" Z and I yell at the same time and Zoe wilts at the sudden loudness.

Z beats me to my feet and pulls Noah and Zoe from the room as Aiden stands there, open mouthed and Gia is looking around the room.

"Mommy?" She asked quietly. "Am I visiting mommy at work?" She asks me. I sigh, running a hand down my face. Scooping my daughter up, I hug her to my chest.

"No baby, we're not visiting Toya at work."

"But Noah said-"

Shushing her, I take her to the kitchen for ice cream. "Noah had a long day. He's sorry."

After setting Gia in her safety chair with ice cream, I text Toya about what happens and she calls immediately.

"Can I talk to her?"

Putting the phone on speaker, Toya calls out. "Gia? Hi baby girl, how's your day?"

Gia puts her spoon down, picking up the phone. "Mommy? Noah said I was supposed to go work with you today. Did you leave me?" Her little eyes well up and my chest hurts.

Damnit Noah.

"No baby girl, mommy wouldn't forget you. I had big people work to do today so you couldn't come. We can have a tea party when I come home, is that okay?"

Gia smiles. "Yes, mommy, Mommy, Zoe wouldn't play with me."

Toya sighs, speaking softly to the little girl. "Remember I told you Zoe is really little and she has to grow a bit before she can play?"

Gia nods. Toya continues talking as if she knew Gia nodded.

"You're a big girl, right? So we have to let Zoe grow to be a big girl. So let her daddy feed her and let her take lots of naps, okay?"

Gia nods again, "Yes mommy."

"Okay baby girl, I have to go back to work, but I'll be home soon. Love you."

"Love you too mommy."

Hanging up, Gia hands me back the phone and happily finishes her ice cream. I, on the other hand, want to strangle my oldest son.

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