Chapter Six

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My phone rings. I turn around to take my phone from the nightstand, it takes me a second to realized where I am.

Reminder 10:00: Meeting: the finances.

Shit. I look over at Zayn. It's now 9:30. I really don't want to wake him but I don't want to be late either. His eyes flutter open. It takes him a while to adjust to the light shining through the windows. "Good morning." He says with a smile. "Good morning." I feel guilty but I really don't want to be late. "I have a meeting at 10:00." I say. "I totally forgot about it." He gets up. "Let me drive you."

I don't want to bother him. "It is seriously not a problem." He says with a smile. "Okay." I feel bad anyway but don't make a fuss about it. We both get dressed and then we walk downstairs. A tall man is in the kitchen. "Peter, I am going to bring Nina away to the hotel." He informs the man. "Okay. The breakfast will be ready when you return."

We walk outside to step in the car. "I liked being with you tonight." He says looking like he is looking back at tonight. "I loved it." I reply.
He smiles and turns on some music. He flips through the channels. "Oh wait, this is my favorite song." I say and then he turns it up.
I nod. " Aren't you somethin' to admire?
'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side.." He looks over at me and smiles as he sings along.

We arrived at the hotel. He brings the car to a stop. "Good luck." He says. I give him a quick kiss and smile. "Thank you." I step out and take my belongings with me. I close the door and walk towards the house, quickly change and then walk towards the hotel, walk towards the elevator and when I reach the fifth floor, I head out towards my father's office. 

Dropping my bags on the floor I then take the files from the desk. When I have everything, I head outside and lock the office behind me. I quickly run downstairs and walk towards the reception.
"The finance meeting, in which room is that held?" The lady looks at a list in front of her. "Meeting room 2." Becca says. "Thank you." I say and then walk towards Jef. "Jef, can I please have coffee and tea in meeting room 2." He nods. "Of course." With that I walk to the meeting room.

I lay out all of the stuff, I will need for the meeting. Jef walks into the room and sets down the coffee and tea. I thank him and then stand by the door. The people come in and take their seats.


It is currently 13:09, the meeting just ended. I look on my phone. I get my bags out of the office and the shut the door again.
I walk towards the house. I walk to my room and then into the bathroom. I strip down and step into the shower.
I make my hair and body wet. I then take my red shampoo bottle. I apply the pomegranate scented liquid to my hand and massage it into my blonde hair. It is rinsed out, I then take my vanilla shower gel and apply it on my body.

I wash that off and stand under the shower for a little while longer. I step out of the shower and take my towel from the rack. With the towel around my body, one around my hair, I walk to the closet and then take out some underwear and a bra. I search through my closet for an outfit and then change. My iPhone rings because I have got a message.

Lunch at Juices and Bagels?
X Emma

I blow dry my hair and then take my handbag. Walking downstairs, reach the door and I walk outside. It's my plan to take a metro and pick up my car and travel to the Juices and Bagels.
I drop my keys of amazement when I see my car standing in the parking lot. What the heck? I pick my keys back up and I walk towards my car to see a little note stuck in the window wiper.
I take it out of and read what is written down on it.

Love Me Like You Do - A Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now