Chapter Twenty-six

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I wake up from a message on my iPhone. Great for not putting my phone on silent or off. I groan and turn myself around, pulling the blankets over me as I roll all the way over. I get out of the bed, I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower after changing out of my clothes. 

I arrive downstairs. I check my iPhone. I have been called by the university and they said that I have to make some designs to be accepted. I walk inside office, open the file holder and each for the black portfolio files that hold my designs. I smile and take my second file out of the drawer.

"There are some rooms available about a hour away from the school." Jacob says as he looks on his phone. He is probably searching on Facebook. He has some older friends who are away to live in a frat house so he sees a lot of the things coming through on his time line.

Emma walks inside our house and smiles. "Remember that girl named Ashley at our school?" She says. "A friend of her brother goes to Oxford University and just posted a website on Chit Chat." She shows me the post and I take the phone out of her hand to see the post better since she can't hold her mobile phone still. "It is perfect." We both say at the same time.

The rooms are pretty big to be honest. Luckily there is not a big difference between the bigness so there wont be a fight over which rooms will be who's. "We can call the number to see if they still have them?" She says. "Yes, we can and we will." She takes the number and then calls. "Hello, Emma Worthington. I am calling for the apartment that has come free."

"Yes, thank you very much." She says after talking for a few minutes. "It is still free and he is going to send us and invitation to come and look." She says with a smile on her face. Father walks in and smiles.

Emma just left. Entering the kitchen, I look outside the window and make a cup of tea. Jacob and Gabriella walk inside the kitchen. "Hey." They say both at the same time which makes then smile. "Hi Nina, how are you?" She asks me as she removes a fallen piece of hair out of her face. I answer her question. "Good and you?" She smiles and says the same.

On the 26th of April we have a open day at the University. Emma and I will have information about the school.

Mother is sitting in the hotel when I arrive. She has the laptop in front of her. "Hello darling." She says smiling. "Your father told me about the studio." She says with a proud smile on her face.
"Yes." I say smiling and I smile. Rose walks inside the restaurant and smiles. In front of us she lays down a white envelope with the logo of Fletcher Occasions. She sits down and smiles. Inside is a letter and which makes me smile. "The deal in the Middle East is round. Erick and Lance will be celebrating it with a night at the Mansion." She says proudly.

I walk towards my bedroom. A night at the Fletcher Mansion is all about style and money. Mother will not take it if we arrive in some jeans.


"Nina, get ready.." Mother yells from down the stairs. "I am coming." I am standing in front of the mirror. A rich red dress, my hair braided, makeup but natural, I have on a pair of silver heels.

I walk downstairs to have everyone look at me. Mother looks happy, father looks angry and it makes sence when I look at the clock. Jacob, he is himself, proud and joyful. He smiles at me. We walk towards the car and see that Rob is driving tonight.

The mansion is lit up with lights. Two guards are always here for these type of events and especially when there are going to be important people. This night those are Lance, his father and all the people around in that business.

We get led towards the separate wing (all the palaces and mansions have those for press or guests to respect the privacy of the people that live there) we get led into the big 'assembly hall'. People come towards us with glasses that seem to be filled with wine. I smile and take a glass of the tray.

Rose walks towards us. She looks beautiful. She has on a blue royal dress that comes until her knees. The sleeves are long and there is a beautiful detailing along the top of the neckline. She has on a beautiful pair of black high heels. "Good evening." She says with a gorgeous smile. "Good evening, darling." My mother says as she looks proudly.

Gavin walks towards me. I recognize the faces of my parents immediately as he gives me a kiss on the cheek. He is the son of my fathers colleaugue and very high into his job just like his father.
If they could choose a man out for me, it would probably be him because to be honest he has everything a girl could want.
I smile and we walk towards the stage where the first speaker is going to be appearing in a few minutes.

William, The co-owner Fletcher Occasions steps on the stage. People start to gather around us. "Welcome to the Fletcher Mansion. We are very proud and happy to be telling you all about the deal that we have made with the Middle East." He says and then gestures to Eric, who was waiting to be introduced on the stage.

The speech he held was very long and slightly boring, of course nobody was serving drinks in these ten minutes since it was impolite and disrespectful. Plus, I really needed to use the bathroom.
And that is exactly what I did when the speech was over.

When I am done, I look at myself in the mirror. My lipstick is still on and my hair still looks okay for the night. I walk out the restrooms and get met my Deliah. Why is she here? "Hello Nina." She says with a smile and then walks inside the rest rooms that I had just left.

The night is very long. There is a singer singing on stage.
Gavin and Ryder are talking to each other. I decide to join them when I have taken another glass of wine...

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