Chapter Forty-five

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I wake up from rain ticking against my bedroom window. Yesterday night was amazing. Lance had hosted a party for the Fletcher family and to celebrating my project for the warehouses.

I stretch and am ready to get up. Actually not but I can't stay forever in this oh so warm, beautiful bed although that is what I would really like. I get up and drag myself towards the door with robes. I go for the fuzzy one and wrap it around my body. I take my hair out of the bun and brush it through. I let it be.

I get downstairs to make some breakfast for myself. I smile when I come up with the idea to make pancakes for myself. I walk towards the living room with the plate and walk towards the living room to watch some TV.

I am done eating and clean up all the dishes. Ally walks in and smiles. "I could have made some breakfast for you, you know that right?" She says. "I know but I just wanted to make some myself." I say and she smiles at me. "I am going to get ready." I say and she smiles.

I put on a black pair of jeans, a white top and a pink blazer with silver zippers. I curl my hair and smile at the total outfit. I walk downstairs towards the office. I design some pieces and then take a break. I take my long black coat with the golden buttons and I put on my long boots.

I walk through the garden and breath in the fresh leaves. The nature. It makes me feel peace.

I continue walking and then pass the flower field. I stare at them and make some pictures of the different colors of the flowers.

When I am getting colder, I get inside the house. I make a cup if coffee and bring it with me to my office. I import the pictures to my computer and then look at them.

When I have sketched some clothing, Emma comes by. "How do you feel?" I ask her and she smiles happy as ever. "I feel great." She says and I give her a look. "Nina, really. It was a great relationship and I still love him but we couldn't have continued." She says. "He is moving out of London." She says and I look at her. "What?" I ask her and she nods. "He told me before we broke up that he had plans for moving to Brighton." She says and I nod. "What about his job at the palace?" I say and she shrugs. "I don't know about that, I believe he is keeping it." She says with a smile.

We are eating lunch in the kitchen when Jacob walks in. "Hi." He says with a smile. "Father and I are having lunch and a meeting in the hotel this afternoon." He says. "Where are the files of his financials?" He asks and I tell him where they are in his office.

I tell her about what Deliah told me. "I never even saw or met his brother before." I say and she laughs. "That isn't funny." I say. I really don't rt other peoples humor lately. I sigh playing with my food. "You know, I don't like it when you do that, dear." My mother says strictly. "I am so exited to go into our apartment!" She says and I smile. "I am too." I say with a smile.

"It is so far away." She says. "It will be over before we realize and she agrees with me.

Ally walks in and I smile at her. "Can I clean this up?" She asks me. I nod. We are in the office and she looks around the room. She helps me with designing some things for the collection. "I am so proud of you." She says. She always says that when I am designing clothing. "Thanks Em." I say.

We go to the spa in the hotel and decide to relax for a few minutes. "Are you nervous for Uni?" She asks and I nod. "You?" Emma thinks. "Not really." Emma has had Acting and Drama classes since she could speak fluently. She is really good. One time she acted that she was crying so she didn't need to make a big test. She had to make it eventually but the teacher believed her in the first place. I did too to be honest. "How are things with Zayn?" She asks me and I smile. "Good, I believe." I say and she smiles at me.

When we have changed, I see that I have missed calls from my mother. I get a whole yell from her because I haven't picked up her calls. I say my good bye to Emma and then call her back. "Where are you?" She asks me. "In the hotel, why?" I ask her and she almost flips. "You have to be on the premiere of the new movie in an hour." She says and hangs up. Shit!

I get in my room as fast as I can and get in a blue dress and a pair of black heels. I stick my hair up in a bun and quickly do all my makeup. I then do my hair some what fancy/formal and take some jewerly.

Dan brings me to the place as fast as he can and my mother smiles relieved. I thank Dan with all my heart. "Your foundation is to dark." She says. I groan and roll my eyes at her. Be happy that I am on time! I think to myself as she walks away towards Jacob to get a picture. An interviewer asks me if I have some time and I nod. "Of course." I answer. I smile at him while he asks me some things. About my relation ship with Zayn, fashion and about university. He thanks me and then I get photographed by the paparazzi. I see Zayn and Crystal being interviewed. Zayn is his normal self and that is what I love about him. Crystal on the other hand, has her body close to his as they look in the camera. She sees me and glares but then puts up her evil fake face back on the camera's.


The night was long and my family ended up at Zayn's house. We are discussing some things. "Come with me." Zayn voice says. We are upstairs and he is trying to make me realize that Crystal is not into him. In your dreams she might not be into you. I mumble as I take off my heels. "I am yours and nobody else." He says and it makes me smile and give him a hug. "Believe me?" He says. "I believe you." I say...

Love Me Like You Do - A Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now