Chapter 7

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Christmas break sucked. I had a group meeting with all my friends and told them to watch out for her and take care of her at school if something happens.

I texted her ten times this break and told her how we had to talk and she just never answered.

Until last night.

She told me she's moving to Florida, for me to act like she doesn't exist.

I asked her why but she just ignored me.

I'm at school now and people are whispering about the new girl.

Word spreads fast here.

It's probably someone from Southside.

The bell rings for lunch and I stop by the bathroom to pee, and as I'm walking to the cafeteria, the intercom clicks on.

Channing Knight, please come to the prinicpals office.

Sighing, I turn around and go to the fucking principal.

I walk in and sit down in my usual seat.

"I called you here for two reasons. One, even though I've let you off the hook, you still can't fight. One fight and you're out of here."

I shrug.

"Second, your friend Camilla is starting school here today and the doctors suggested it would be good for you to have cases with her, so she is going to be in your English, math, science, history, and art class."

"Wait, what?" I'm confused.

"Is that okay?"

"Uh...yeah, that's fine."

His walki talki buzzes with the campus cop saying, There's a disturbance in the cafeteria.

He sighs.

"Go on, get out of here." He waves me out.

Excitement pools in my stomach at the thought of a fight in the cafeteria.

I love fights.

I go waltzing in, and the whole room is silent.

My group of buddes are whispering though. They all look up when I walk in.

People start smirking, thinking I'm going to get involved.

I walk to the guys because I'm not getting expelled, and I toss my bag on the table.

I swing one leg over the bench to sit down, but I freeze when I hear Lucas, the biggest fucking cunt in the school, say, "You're from Clark? So you're emo! You're so ugly!" He's the quiet type of cunt, but when he gets a chance to bully someone, he does.

I just start fights with everyone.

The principal walks in right after I do.

Vanessa laughs.

She shifts her position, moving her body just enough so I can see Cam's face.

She's upset.

She's really upset.

"You're so ugly, I bet you wouldn't mind if I did this!"

Lucas lifts his tray of cafeteria food.

My stomach drops.

The next thing I know, I've gone over the fucking table and I'm in front of Lucas.

I take the tray he's trying to tip on Cam, and I slam it in his face.

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