Chapter 9

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The pic on the side is of Cam in the outfit she wore when she first saw Channing when she got out of CCHSU

I haven't eaten or drank in two days.

I've been in my room.

I can't get up.

Well, I can physically, but I don't want to.

I'd rather die than face the real world.

"Channing Connor William Knight, you have thirty seconds to open this door before I call the police." Dad says.

I rip open my bedroom door.

He looks relieved.

He pulls me downstairs.

My grandparents and Mom are in the kitchen with my siblings.

They force me to eat and drink an entire gallon of water.

"Can I go back to my room?" I sigh.

"No. I don't know what the hell happened between you and Camilla," Dad starts. "But the only way you would act like this over a girl is if you love her." He says. "Sure, you've been dating a week, but you've been around her for months." He says. "From the look on your face, I know you know I'm right."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter."

"Channing Knight," Mom starts.

I ignore her and go back to my room and force myself to shower.

I get out and throw on boxers and sweatpants and a black long sleeve shirt, and then I go downstairs because I know they're all about ready to fucking kill me.

I finally understand what it feels like to just not want anyone to know.

I know how Cam felt.

I know how she felt for two years.

I got it out of her.

I got it out of her and now she's gone.

I haven't cried over it, but as I stare out the window where he car sat when she came over for the first time, my eyes well up with tears. I'm gripping the sink so tightly that my fingers are numb and my biceps are bulging.

"Channing." Dad whispers. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't feel like talking about it." I mutter.

I've spent enough time being social, so I go lock myself in my room again.

I'm burrowed so deeply under my covers.

I'm pressed against the wall, too.

I hear rushed footsteps on the stairs, and then my door opens loudly.

"Bro, what the hell?"


One of my buddies.

I'm closer to him than I am with Mark now because when Mark slept with Vanessa, I just grew apart from him. We were back to normal for a bit, but it changed.

"Go home, Kyle."

"No." he says. "Your girl skips every day. Ryan said you two broke up, but you didn't confirm it so he's not sure, but he said he doesn't know why."

"Kyle, go home."


"Fine. Sit there. I'm not telling you shit."

And he does.

He sits there.

And he sits there.

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