Chapter 11

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Today sucks. It's Monday. I got the new truck on Saturday but I was busy all day so I couldn't go see Cam. Then Saturday night, my dad found marijuana in my room, which isn't mine because I've never smoked. I told him it's probably Mark's because Mark smokes and he was over, but he didn't believe me.

He and Mom grounded me until I turn eighteen, and that's March 19th.

I begged them for hours to let me keep my phone just in case something happens with Cam, and they agreed after getting an app to lock all of my apps.

I didn't get to see Cam then, either.

I'm pissed off at Mark because the fucking drugs were in my top drawer, which means he planted them there.

And just for the icing on the fucking cake, Cam isn't at school.

I'm not allowed to bring my phone to school because I can just talk to cam there.

I'm ready to punch a fucking wall.

I got called to the campus cops office and he's giving me a drug test.

My parents gave him permission.

My Mom is going to start going through my school stuff and my room every day, looking for drugs.

He finishes the test and sends me off to lunch.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks.

"As if you don't fucking know!" I snap at him.

People start getting quiet.


I overslept big time today.

I didn't talk to Channing at all yesterday and I hardly talked to him on Saturday.

I'm excited see him, but when I walk in the cafeteria, I see him walking in too.

I don't know why, but he's pissed.

"What's wrong?" Mark calls to him.

He's really pissed.

"What?" Mark asks.

"You!" Channing pokes him in the chest.

Principal Newberry is in here, and so is the campus cop.

I move closer. Everyone is quiet now.

If he gets in one more fight, he gets expelled.

I feel like this fight is really bad, so I start recording.

"What?" Mark asks.

"You came over with your fucking drugs and you left them in my room! You know I don't do that shit! Now I'm fucking grounded until I turn eighteen at the end of fucking March!"

"You what?" Kyle cuts in. "Why would you do that? He forgave you for sleeping with his girlfriend!"

"Whatever, he didn't care about Vanessa anyways. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's self-absorbed. He's just mad I slept with her first. He yelled at her in front of everyone! He doesn't care! He fights with Camilla! He is horrible! He doesn't love her!"

Mark is trying to get Channing expelled by pushing all of his buttons.

"So, yeah, I planted the pot. Now you can't see your girlfriend and I can take her from you!"

Channing takes a deep breath and stars to raise his fist.

I shoot forward and grab his wrist.

"Channing, stop." I whisper. "He's trying to get you expelled."

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