Last Year's Wishes Are This Year's Apologies (Tamara)

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“Is it a fever?” Darion asked as I placed the back of my hand against Auron's forehead. This is where I came in handy. I wasn't as strong as Darion, and I definitely didn't have the same quick thinking Auron had that made him such a good leader, but I knew enough first aid to be helpful.

“No, his temperature is fine.” Just as I had thought, this wasn't a fever. “Help me move him, please.” Darion nodded, as we pulled him into a more comfortable position, near Jaxon who was fast asleep. I sighed, wishing this was all just a dream. I almost felt guilty, when things were still normal I always wished something would happen, anything to change everyday routine. Now, I just wanted everything back to normal. I knew it was stupid to feel sorry for thinking like that, but I felt the need to apologize to somebody.

“My guess is the sudden impact on his head, not to mention the stress of today, just hit him all at once. Nothing as serious as a concussion, he should be fine with a little rest.” I assured, and Darion just grunted in response. “Let me clean up your wounds, all right?” I said, digging around for the first aid kit. He gave a me a look, but I was already snapping my fingers impatiently. He sighed, pulling off his shirt so I could take a look at his shoulder. It wasn't too deep, thankfully, a butterfly bandage and some iodine would be enough. When I was done, I grinned, patting his shoulder triumphantly. “All better. Just try not to let it reopen.”

“I'll try my best.” He said, pulling his shirt back on. “Now, you get some sleep. I'll keep watch.”

I shook my head, “You're going to sleep, I'm going to make sure Auron doesn't have any other injuries.” Darion opened his mouth to argue, “C'mon, you did a lot more than me today, and you're going to need your energy if you're going to keep us all safe, right?” I added with a smirk, and he rolled his eyes, lying on his side and turning away. He muttered something under his breath, and judging by how tense he was it was clear he was going to get little sleep, if any.

I pushed that to the side, choosing to focus on things that I could actually help. I took a look at Auron's wounds, applying iodine where it was needed. I frowned, brushing the hair out of my eyes. It was mostly just scrapes and bruises, but I did have to apply some gauze to his side. I didn't think it was too bad, but with our luck I would probably be wrong.

Soon, I had nothing more to focus on; just listening. Jaxon's light snores, accompied by the sounds of nature around us. Nothing unusual. I was getting anxious, having nothing more to distract me, but I knew that I had to be vigilent. I'd told Darion I would keep watch, and I intended to do that.

I looked around at the guys. The three of them meant everything to me, and were nothing short of real family. Darion was, and had always been, the protector. Confident, reliable, there was no doubt in my mind that he would do anything to keep us safe. Then there was Auron, the leader from the start. He had always led us off on little adventures, which inevitably led to trouble, but he managed to find a way to get us out of each mess we got ourselves into. And Jaxon, well, Jaxon was still growing. Sometimes it worried me, wondering what kind of person he would become, but I loved my little brother.

There was a snap outside, and I flinched, surprised by the sudden sound. I frowned, standing up slowly to creep closer to the entrance. Not even breathing, I could feel every muscle in my body tense as I listened for more. I could barely see anything through the opening, but the occasional flash of fur made it clear that we weren't the only ones there. “Darion..?” I whispered, praying he was awake.

“You heard it too?” He asked, and I sighed with relief. Of course he hadn't slept.

“Is it them?” I questioned, and he shrugged as he sat up. I took a slow step away from the doorway, slapping a hand over my mouth when I heard a snarl from outside.

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