There Will Be Blood (Auron)

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I wasn't necessarily intimidated by Dom's size. In fact, that wasn't the case at all. I'm more than sure that Darion is a better competetor than this walking ugly slob of meat in front of me. The thing that had me more hesitant than usual was his confidence. I was taken back a bit. His cockiness was so bold you could almost see it as it escaped from his being; almost like it was his aura. This was the first that I've experienced anything like it. Many opponents have come and go, most of them in the recent hours, and they've never displayed such obvious power. It could have been a facade to make his targets second guess what they were doing and he could have just been faking the entire thing.

Then again, ever so rarely does Lore lie. I hate admitting it but Lore is probably the most honest person I know even if it's in the most brutal of ways. So for Lore to sit there and proudly announce his right hand man, it must be true. There must be no facade and this dude must really be about his business.

Damn it. Whatever.

An applause came from the left of me. It was Lore delighted to see his most feared henchman in wolf form. "Ah, Dom,  I'd almost not recognize you it's been so long seeing as you didn't participate in last nights raid. This makes me happy."

I shot a glance over at Lore. I knew he could feel a hole being drilled into his temples but he pretended as if I were nothing.

Dom grunted and barked at me, probably insisting that I hurry up. I wasn't in much of a rush until I was hit with a sharp sense. It came from far off but it felt strong. I couldn't exactly describe it but... it was familiar.

"Auron. Any day now. I'm sure you and your friends would like a nice and decisive death now wouldn't you?"

I ignored Lore and dropped to my knees. I exhaled and burst into a new form. Fresh blood pumping through me. New skin, new bones and a lot more hair. I shook my hair and walked in place, warming up my muscles for possibly for the second biggest fight of my life, Lore being the first once this obstacle is out of my way.

"Yes, Auron. Good good. Now... we can began," he said grimly and chuckled that dirty chuckle. I will have his blood.

The wolf across from me, a husky Tiberian wolf with a huge chest. I suppose that would common attack spot since it's so large. Probably best to avoid that. He'll most likely see that coming. I'll jsut have to play this on the fly. Improv in fights was probably my strongest trait beside my speed and agility. It should be an okay battle.

Should be.

I lowered my head to the ground sniffing. I couldn't even get a whiff of fear off this guy. From behind me, I could hear Tamara hold her breath. I could only imagine that Darion had put his arm around her. I was about to turn and check but Dom took off in my direction, kicking up dust as he did. My ears perked up. I was completely taken off guard by how fast he was. He was too heavy of a wolf to be that fast. I call bull.

Right before Dom impacted me with a full on headbutt, I dodge rolled right. I could feel him snap at my hind legs as I did but I was back to my feet in no time at all. It was my turn to charge him and I collided with his mid section. I thought I landed a pretty heavy one but not only was Dom not fazed, he was also huffing a wolf laugh at my petty attempt of an attack. He spun on all fours and bucked me in chest so hard, I forgot what it was like to have lungs. What the hell was I thinking? Should be an easy fight my hairy ass.

I thumped hard on my back and rolled to my feet. My vision was hazy. I went to shake myself back to normality but I was interrupted by my sideline crew.

"Auron, dammit, shake it off."  Darion cheered from behind me and it sort of boosted my morale.

I bared my fangs and charged at him once more. "Oh, Auron, will you never learn your lesson?" Lore chuckled and teased. Just as I had expected, Dom returned his forward advance. Perfect.

Dom lowered his head and narrowed his eyes to a slit. We ran closer and closer to each other, gaining speed by the second. I could smell it. I could smell the perspiration seeping through his fur, It was definitely a solid wolf and quick for his size but I had more endurance that he did. That was his fault. His weak spot. I had him and the idea of him losing to me because of it slowly dawned on him. His doubt gave me the advantage and encouragement I needed to overcome him.

Right become our heads impacted, I tucked my head and rolled over to his left avoiding a powerful blow that probably would have put me to sleep cold. I could tell by the amount of air that gushed passed a few inches from my tail.

Being the more agile wolf, I got back on to all fours and lunged for his neck, My teeth longed to be deep in his warm flesh. My taste buds couldn't wait any longer to savor his blood. I needed to feel the snap of bones between my jaws. I was becoming an animal. I was evolving into a blood lusting creature. Killing was my fix.

I clenched my teeth around his furry neck as hard as I possibly could. I could feel the muscles in his neck straining. He yelped out and it excited me. Such a beautiful thing it was to know that you could end someone's life just like that and I had planned on doing exactly that to this sorry excuse for a life form.

Once more, I somersaulted but this time over his body, almost how a crocodile would do to its prey when it has ensnared a victim in its jaws.

Since Dom was heavier then I was, I expected him to not fall so easily. He should simply stand there and stagger a bit but he shouldn't fall over like a regular sized wolf would. The plan had worked exactly like I thought it would. Dom swayed right a few inches as I flew rolled over him, my fangs raked across his skin, revealing crimson blood. Success.

I released my grip from his neck and licked my fangs. I became greedy. I rammed his side with all my  might. Whatever strength I had I left went into that rush.

"Go, you sick bastard, GO!" I heard Tamara scream. "Eat his godforsaken heart out!"

Dom keeled over on his side, writhing in pain and blood gushing from his neck, matting his fur. His entire belly was exposed. It was mine to claim. My victory to lodge my teeth deep into. I was going to pierce his skin once more and there will be more blood to be spilt.

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