Darkness Makes it's Ascent

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After he sent the wolves after the children, Lore took a leisurely stroll through the field. He wrapped his hands behind his back, gripped his wrist and walked towards the piles of bodies his men were stacking. His chest out, chin high, Lore felt accomplished. He had single-handedly led a full assault on the clan that had banished him two years ago and successfully killed off the whole pack. Except for Auron and his three friends, that is. But in a couple minutes, the goons he sent after them would soon change that.

He strutted proudly through the blood tainted grass and admired his work. Limpless bodies, both enemies and companions of his.

No matter, he thought. If any of his comrades died today, they weren't of any importance in the first place. Besides, they were bound to die sooner or later being the weaklings they were.

He looked left and right, whatever surviving attackers were left, stacked bodies together in piles of nearly four feet high. It smelled of utter death and gloom.

Lore looked the direction from which Auron and his friends fled from. The bloody area under the tree where he fought his mother. He decided to pay her corpse a visit. As he arrived at Lenora's body, two of his goons were grabbing her feet and arms, beginning to pick her up to carry her away.

"Leave us," He ordered. Lore raised his arm and waved them off.

"Um, but we-." The one picking up Lenora's feet started to speak, but Lore cut in.

"Need I repeat myself, or would you like to be in her position instead?" He glared. His brown eyes faintly shifting yellow.

"No, I apologize." In odd respect, they both gently placed her limbs back down and took a few steps back, bowing their heads ever so slightly. They thought they could defuse the awkwardness by fiddling with their thumbs.

Lore squatted down on Lenora's right side, picked up her hand and put her cold skin to his cheek. He stroked her silver hair, tears streaked down his face.

"I loved you and now you've gone and got yourself killed. Not very smart of you. All you had to do was let me get away with killing your husband and everything would have been just fine." The warm, salty tear that had run from Lore's evil eye down his evil face past the crest of his evil lips to his chin fell on Lenora's hand. He stared at it a bit before licking it and looking somewhat pleased rather than disdained.

"But for now, I suppose this is goodbye..." He kissed the back of her hand, stood up and walked away with his hands up behind his head humming. The two men waited a short moment before resuming their activity of carrying the limp body to one of the dozens of piles of corpses.

Lore studied the field once more, smelling the blood and decaying bodies. With no more feeling other than sheer delight, he suddenly heard a spark come to life, the sound of piles of bodies being ignited into flames. "So long, my beloved sister." Her soul drifted into the air along with the billowing black smoke.


Picture of Lore in the top right corner.

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