Things That Plague Him

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Lore snarled as a wolf neared, baring his teeth. He was tense until he realized who it was, one of his men. “Where are the others?” He asked, his voice feral. Even as a human he maintained his ferocious behavior. Lore was an animal in every sense of the word.

“Dead. They're all dead.” The lackey responded, lowering his head out of either fatigue or shame.

“And the children?” Lore questioned, eyes narrowing to slits. He didn't have the patience to deal with incompetence.

“Still alive.” He answered, stopping to lick at his wound. A shallow bite, at most.

Lore let out a long sigh, pacing, “As are you, I see. Tsk, tsk, that means you fled?” He asked, though his steely look kept the other man silent. “You ran from children? After all of this,” He gestured to their surroundings, lacking any life. “You allowed children to live?” A few others gathered to watch, all of them secretly relishing in the fact that it wasn't them facing Lore.

“It wasn't intentional, sir. They... They attacked us.”

“You could have died fighting for the man that leads you, as your partners did, rather you fled. The others died with pride, but you are nothing than a bug. You will die with nothing but shame.” Lore hissed, turning his back to the wolf in disgust. He looked around at the others, “Tie him up.” He ordered, and no one hesitated, eager to please.

He walked in the opposite direction, towards the small cave he had inhabited for the time being. Footsteps followed close behind, his right hand man Dom. Dom was a brute of a man, large and bulky, and his stealth was less than acceptable. Flaws aside, he was one of the few men that Lore could stand being around, for he didn't follow blindly as the others did.

“Would you like him killed?” Dom questioned, referring to the wolf from before. Lore sat down in his makeshift chair resting in the corner. He leaned back, closing his eyes before answering.

“No. Let him wallow in his own self-pity.” Was his answer, before waving Dom off. “Go get the others organized for now, their behavior is an embarrassment.” Dom nodded, though he didn't move. “What is it?”

“Shouldn't we send out more men to search?” He asked, careful not to say anything that would anger Lore. His eyes flicked open, and he watched the man across from him for a moment. Dom stood tall, not fidgeting under Lore's gaze, as the others did.

“I see no need to rush, thanks to that coward outside we now know how to find them. For now, there isn't any reason to waste our energy.”

Dom nodded, turning and rushing out the door. Lore closed his eyes once more, shifting to get comfortable. He took a deep breath, just then realizing how tired he really was. Sleep was a welcome comfort, embracing him with open arms.

I look down at my nephew as he smiles up at me, chubby cheeks stained with ketchup. Auron's eyes, looking so much like my sister's, crinkle when he smiles. I smile back, forced because I can see him from the corner of my eye. Auron's father watches us, watches me with suspecting eyes. I hate him in a way I can't explain. He doesn't deserve my sister. A hand grabs onto mine, tugging.

Uncle, come with me. This way!” Auron orders, and I nod. I allow him to drag me across the house, into his room. For a second I am relieved, no longer under the harsh looks given to me by his father. That last for just a fleeting moment, though, because the man is close behind, standing in the doorway as Auron sits me down on the floor. “Don't move.” He instructs, and I oblige.”Not even breathing!” The little boy demands, so I suck in a deep breath, puffing out my cheeks and making him laugh the hiccup laugh of a small child.

He turns away, crawling under his bed and kicking his legs out behind him as he searches. As he starts to pull himself out I warn him not to bump his head, though he does anyway. For a moment he's dazed, rubbing the spot on his head, but he's resilient. Soon he's returning to me, holding up a picture crumpled in a few places. It's a crayon shark, swimming through a marker ocean.

It's you!” Auron declares proudly, pushing the paper closer to my face. “See?”

I blink, hoping that if I stare at the picture long enough it will begin to resemble me. “But... I'm not a shark.” I stammer, tilting my head slightly, as if a new angle will reveal an entirely different picture along with it.

Sure you are, Uncle Lore!” Auron chirps, “Sharks are like this.” He says, then bares his few teeth at me. He makes a strange hissing sound, that I suppose is like a shark in his mind. Which apparently means I'm like that as well. Lenora rushes in the room, sweeping Auron up in her arms. I'm surprised, was she watching us the whole time?

Lore has to leave now, okay?” She says, giving me a meaningful look. Maybe she knew how insulted I was, seeing my nephew refer to me as a shark, but she doesn't say anything more. I nod, standing up. Auron waves over his mother's shoulder at me, smiling. As I walk to the door, Lenora follows, and her husband close behind, silent. He is a ghost, constantly haunting me.

Lore woke suddenly, shaking his head to remind himself it was only a dream. He sighed, standing on shaky legs. “Dom!” He called, knowing the man had to be close by. He came in a short moment later, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth. Dinner time? No, Lore could see morning light breaking through, breakfast.

“Yes?” Dom asked, wiping his fingers across his shirt. “Ready to search?”

Lore nodded, “Correct. Send everybody out, have the wounded one tell them which way to go. I want them here by the end of the day.”

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