chapter 5

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Anna's pov:

As I was walking,I saw the boys mummy a is still crying.when,I turn around I notice eyes watching me?huh?what is going on?oh well.I continue my walk to my favourite park to meet uncle ray.

Zayn's pov:

We left our mate for a while so we could  go hunting.we vampire speed to the woods and found a deer.We quickly pounce on it and drank it's blood.hmm.I smell werewolves.They must be pretty near here.They better stay away from our mate.You can never trust a filthy mutt.

"Guys,I can smell those mutts."I said as the boys nod their head in agreement.

"Let's go find our mate before those mutts do?"Liam suggests.

We use our vampire speed to our mate.Oh great the mutts are here (note my sarcasm).why are they watching our mate?we walked towards our mate so that she won't be scared of us.

"Hey princess,"niall said

"Oh,hi,"She said sadly.

why is she so sad?

"Hey sweetheart,why so blue?" Liam asked.

"Nothing."she said.

Zayn:why is she so sad.

Liam:no idea.

Niall:Louis you could read her mind remember.

Louis:Oh yeah.

Louis's pov:(sorry for switching pov)
Anna's mind:

I'm worried for my mummy and what is daddy going to do with her?what did mummy said when I'm older I will understand.
Wow. She has so many questions on her mind. I should tell the boys.
Louis:hey guys,she is so worried about her mum and what her dad is going to do to her mum?

Liam:zayn you tell her everything will be fine.

Zayn:why not niall?!?

Niall:hey!!that's offensive but fine.I'll said it.

Harry:good boy.hahaha.

Niall:watch it styles.

Liam:ok,stop it you both


"Princess,everything will be fine and you do not need to be worried."niall told her.

She stopped dead on her track.

"How do you know what I was thinking?"she asked.

" look worried and sad?"Liam said questionably.

She continue to walk.

"Princess, what's your name?"zayn asked.

"Anna,"she said.

"A pretty name for a cute girl,"I said

Anna's pov:
"A pretty name for a cute girl,"louis said.

I blushed no one has ever said I am cute or have pretty name.there's the park!where is uncle ray?

What happen to uncle ray?is he a live or dead?is Anna gonna stick with the boys or run?

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