chapter 40

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Anna's pov:

I can't think too much because the boys might want to investigate zayn.Zayn is being too quiet than he does normally.Maybe he is kidnapped or he died or something.Should be worry into this kind of thing?

"Cupcake,don't worry about him.He is always been quiet.You got nothing to worry about,"Louis said.

I still need to talk to him.

"Hey zayn,Follow me to my room.Now,"I told him sternly.

He got up and follow me to my room.I stopped for a while.

"No one follow us or else someone will be hurt and i am not kidding about it,"I told them sternly.

Once I'm sure that the boys are not following me and zayn.I shut the door and locked it.

"Alright troy,Tell me that my uncle kidnapped zayn.I know that's you.You think by looking and acting like zayn will save you from anything or at least me,"I told him while looking at his eyes to see if i am right.

Suddenly,"zayn" transform into troy.My uncle's son.

"Alright alright,you got me.Zayn is kidnapped by my dad.He told me to get you and bring you to him.Now,I'm thinking of not doing it now.I'm going to help you get zayn back before my dad tried to kill him,"He told me.

"Fine,What's the plan?"I asked him

"Since your mates won't let you leave the castle without you.Once it turned night time,you and me will make our way to the front gate of the castle but first we need to make sure that the boys are asleep,"He told me.

"That's easy to do.They would sleep when they know that I am asleep with one of them.They made a schedule who get to sleep with me.You are lucky that zayn will sleep with me,today.That way it won't look suspicious and we have to make it look like we are sleeping with each other,"I told him.

"That won't be a problem.Just leave that to me.Anyway,we will leave the castle and start making our way to my dad's pack house and you will follow me to where my dad kept zayn.Sounds good to you,"He said/asked.

I just nod my head.I hope this plan works.

Harry's pov:

Anna and zayn were in her room for a while now but it is perfect.We could discuss about Anna's and ours seconss part of the mating process.

"How about each of us bring Anna out and do it.Mostly just see how it goes from there,alright,"Liam said.

All of us agree on that idea.Now,we are just gonna wait for my kitten and zayn to come out of the room.Where would I take my kitten to?The door to my kitten's room open.Zayn and my kitten are smiling and talking to each other.It took us four years for zayn to talk to us but for my kitten.It only took about a day because it was the day we found her.See,What this girl could do to us.

"Why so happy zayn?"Liam asked.

"Um...He can't talk much.he got a sore throat,"Anna stutter.

Why is she stuttering so much?Her mind is blank.Don't say she block her mind from us but she can't cause of the mating process.What is she hiding from us?I better find out or Louis.You better find out.Louis look at me and nod his head talling me.he agree.

"Alright Angel,want some breakfast?"Liam said/asked.

My kitten just nod her head and follow Liam to the kitchen.Zayn just walked back to my kitten's room.Why is he going there?I ask to much question.

Anna's pov :

That was so close.I better not think too much if not the boys will find out.Don't worry zayn.I will get you back here with me safe and sound.I love you.

Zayn's pov:

I have been here for two days.I wonder if any of the boys or my love have seen the way "I" act but mostly Anna would because she and troy are best friends since they were young kids.This guy will try anything to get Anna with him.Stupid mutt.I just hope Anna or one of the boys will come and rescue me soon.

"Gonna tell me why you have her?"Anna's uncle ask me for the fifth time.

"I already told you Anna is our mate,mutt, you mutts are so stupid.Pretty sad isn't it,"I said laughing at him.

He got up and slap me.He did not just did that.I can feel my vampire side coming up.Suddenly,all i can see is black.

Jack's pov:

I'm zayn's vampire side.I need to get to my love but this stupid mutt is stopping me from getting her.

"I see you are in your vampire form,"He laugh at us.

I can't wait to kill should be so much fun to hear him scream in pain.

(Bold is zayn and normal is jack)
Jack don't Anna would hate us if we do it.

Fine.Just for Anna because we both love her too much to lose her to this mutt.
I guess I can't end his life yet.I heard a growl from behind me.oh great another wolf is here.What does he/she want with me?

Anna's pov:(night time)

As soon as the boys left my room.I make sure I keep quiet so that my fairy friends don't hear me so quickly.I walked into my walk in closet and pick out my outfit.I did my hair too.(pic at the top).Now,it's time for our plan to take action.

Don't worry zaynie.I will save you.

That's all in this chapter.

What do you gous think?Write your comments bellow.

Do you guys think that anna will save zayn or will zayn die?

Will Anna be kidnapped again or someone else be kidnapped?

Tell me in the comments.See you guys in my next chapter.byeeeee.


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