Chapter 39

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Hey guys,
                     Some of the pictures in the book are from my bff.I like to thank her for helping me with my book too.I dedicate this chapter to FairyHeartz.

On with the story...

Anna's pov:

I can't believe it my uncle is here but what is he doing here.niall wrap his arm protectively around me.

"Anna,how are you?"Uncle ray ask as he approch me.

"I'm well,What are you doing here?"I ask him while i sunggle more into niall.

I think I hear a purr coming from him.Is he a cat or a vamp ?i hear the boys laugh at me.That's so not funny.I pouted but Louis kiss me on my lips to make me happu which he did.He just smiled at me.

"I'm here to take you away from them!"my uncle exclaim.

"They are my mates.You should except them for who they are and not what that look like,"I explain to my stupid uncle.

The boys chuckle around me.I keep on forgetting that the boys can read my mind.This will get annoying very soon with that kept this up.Niall release me now!!!Niall quickly release me.Now,I can breath easily without a problem.Sorry nialler.I do love your hugs.

"Fine.If they hurt you in anyway,You better don't come crying to me,"My uncle said.

He transform into a wolf and dash off.

"Who knew your uncle is a mutt,"Zayn said.

"Zayn ,That's not nice.He is still my uncle,"I said to him.

After that,zayn has been quiet but its just him so there is none thing to worry about.
We walk back to my room or our room.I sat down on the sofa and keep thinking about my uncle.

"Princess,Stop thinking about him.At least he did not separate you from us right?"Niall said/asked.

"Niall is right,kitten,"Harry said.
I guess they are right.I really need to buy Harry a pet cat.Wait....I have a pet cat.

"You do.Can I see it,"he asked me while looking at me with adoration.

I nod my head and walk towards the pet room.I pick up starshine and bring her to Harry.The look on his face made me smile.

"It's so cute and the fur is so soft.What is this cutie name is?"Harry said/asked.

"It's name is starshine,"I said to him.

Harry just continuing patting it.Suddenly,Shaqilah came flying through.

"What's wrong?"I ask her.

"I am going to assume that you saw your uncle today.Anna,He is planning something to get you back so that you are away from your mates.Boys,Better keep an eye on Anna for a few weeks or months.Before anything Anna,No.You can't take care of yourselves.The boys know how a werewolf acts.You better not try anything for a while.We have told the guards about the situation already so you no need to worry at all .Just stay in your room with the boys till further notices,"She explain to me and the boys with that she got off to somewhere.

Great now,The boys have to keep an eye on me more than that normally do.I hope the boys take it easy on looking out for me.This is going to be hard especially for Liam.I know you guys are reading my mind now.The boys just act as it nothing happens.Yeah right.Well that doesn't scream suspicious at all.*note my scarsm*

"Oh come on.At least you are safe with us,right?"Harry said still getting distracted with the cat .

I seriously need to buy him a cat for his birthday or a dog or a fish or a deer.Yeah right a deer.He might as well eat it.The boys just chuckled.They are so getting on my nerves right now but they are boys.Who can blame them?I can since I am their mate.Might as well be nice to them.

"Were you mean to us before?"nialler asked.

"What???? of course not,"I said laughing nervously.

The boys just look at me strangely but shrug it off.

Phew.I got off easily.If they knew.i will be in a tickle trap.Suddenly,I am being tackle.I look up I saw Louis smilling at me.Oh no.They are not doing what i think they are doing.

"Oh I think you know,"Teddy said smirking.

I need to escape.I try to wiggle out but obviously they are stronger then me.I am suddenly being tickle all around my body.I can't believe what I get myself into.

Uncle Ray 's pov:

My niece maybe enjoy her time with her so called mates.I know her mates won't be blood sucking maniacs.I will get her before they suck the life out of her body.

"Arnt I right zayn?"I asked him.

He is struggling to break out of the ropes.My son will save you my dear,Anna and nothing will harm you ever again.

Zayn's pov:

I can't believe I let Anna's uncle take me.If you are wondering how did I get into this mess this what happen.


I was walking with Anna and the boys suddenly I was being pushed back.Someone else replace me so Anna or the boys won't be suspicious at all.I look up and I saw anna's uncle.

"What do you want with me?"I ask him with venom driping in my voice.

"You are going to help me get Anna back,"With that he tied me up and put me on his back

We left the castle with me struggling on the mutt's back.He small like wett for.Oh wait,he is one.Anna please be safe and make sure you keep an eye on evil me.

End of flashback

And that's how I end up here at the mutt's pack house.I guess he doesn't accept us as her mate and think of it as someone else rather than us.I really hope the boys keep an eye on Anna.I have a feeling Anna is gonna be in great danger....

That's all in this chapter.I hope you guys like it so far.Be sure to vote and comment.I also hope that you guys will enjoy my next book that I am going to publish in the next hour be sure to check it out.


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